Chapter 4 - Starting Over

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She actually looked at me. For longer than two seconds and of her own accord. I'm barely focusing on what Raina is saying, the joy at this moment making it hard for me not to smile. For a second there it felt like the old Sky. The Sky that was embarrassed but brave. Fuck I missed her so much.

Raina has been telling me about the lead she followed on Gael which, while not finding him in person, did lead to what appeared to be a hideout he used, some of his personal possessions being collected and shipped over to her as we speak. There were a couple of documents and journals in the find that she would start going through as soon as it arrived. Maybe it would give us a clue as to what was happening to Sky and what legend the curse was referring to.

Raina requested access to all the historical manuscripts and documents relating to all of the various supernatural groups eight months ago and had only been granted access two months ago, the red tape around these requests always resulting in delays. So far, she has had little success in finding the related Legend.

There were still some items to go through and The High Council was looking for one book belonging to the witches that appears to have disappeared. Unusual, considering the security that is around the archive building. It is adjacent to The High Councils' main offices and as such heavily guarded. They are busy looking through video footage to ascertain exactly when and how it happened. My instinct was telling me that the book was exactly the book we were after.

"Earth to Dmitri. Are you even listening to me? I swear, between the two of you it's like talking to a wall," Raina says in frustration, her hand gesturing between Sky and myself in irritation. I wonder what Sky has done to get under Raina's skin.

Ally starts laughing, leaving the chair she has been sitting on at the center island of the kitchen.

"Everyone is tired. It's time for us to go anyway. Tomorrow is another day," Ally says gently to Raina as she grabs her hand, pulling her towards the front door. "We will see you guys tomorrow."

Raina doesn't bother with a greeting as she takes her bag and exits the house, the door slamming shut behind her.

Sky puts her cup down on the table beside the couch and rises. I can sense she has become uncomfortable with us being alone here.

"I should go too." Her voice is soft as she moves toward the kitchen island to get her jersey. Her eyes dart over to the sliding door on the other side of the room and towards the empty spot next to it where the table stood before. The table she and I had made love on. The table she had lost her memory on. After the last time she was here I got rid of it, which was about a month after The Incident. The fear that had flooded our bond was too much for me to bear her going through.

The same fear that was leaking into our bond even now.

"Skylar, come," I say gently, moving towards the front door. She takes one last look towards the sliding door before grabbing her jersey and quickly walking to the front door where I am now standing. I open the door for her, which she exits while putting her jersey on. Her hand brushes my arm as she pulls her arm through the jersey sleeve, the strong spark of our touch making her jump. Her eyes jump up to mine as we stand in the doorway, before she quickly averts her gaze, walking ahead without waiting for me.

I sigh, closing the door before trailing along behind her. How I longed for things to be different.

Surprisingly, she slows down her pace, looking back at me as she waits for me to catch up, which isn't long with my height. This was new.

We walk for a bit quietly before she breaks the silence.

"Are Raina and Ally staying in town?" She doesn't look up at me. And I'm glad she doesn't, the shock that she is actually initiating a conversation with me is probably clear on my face.

"They are staying with Ivan and Rene at their place. It's just a stone's throw away from my house. It's only for a couple of days," I say, looking down at her as I talk. She is fiddling with her hands like she isn't sure what to do with them. The fake pockets on her jean shorts leaving no room for her to stuff her anxiety giveaway into.

Sky looks up, the full moon giving us enough light to see our way with ease. Not that it made a difference now. Sky could see as well as I could in the dark, something I wish I was there to experience with her the first time she realized it. But she was alone, only telling us of this after a week had passed. She hadn't even been scared, the gradualness of it easing her into it.

We are nearly at her place, her eyes darting around as she lays eyes on Dylan who is standing beside a tree in the distance. As he was my best warrior, I had him patrolling close to Sky's house, his presence a reassurance and a source of jealousy. His friendship with her something I craved and envied.

Her gaze snaps up to mine, making me wonder if she can feel it, as I avert my eyes, trying to stuff the emotion down. I didn't want her to be alone so any friendship, regardless of who it was with, I would just have to tolerate.

I could feel her loneliness at night when I was lurking around her place, reminding me of the time I would do the same thing when we just met. She was consumed by it. Though I had tried on numerous occasions to get her to join in on the community activities, she remained resistant.

"Are you okay Dmitri?" The look she gives me as she asks me this almost looks like genuine concern.

"I'm fine Skylar. Go inside and get some rest." The dark marks under her eyes, a mirror of my own, don't go unnoticed. Being apart was doing this to us but I wasn't sure how to remedy this situation. Though tonight had made me hopeful, this interaction between her and I more than had occurred in months.

She walks up the steps of her porch, hesitating in front of her door before turning around.

"What time does training start in the morning?" My heart leaps with joy at her question. I try and hold back a smile, but it can't be contained.

"At eight. If you want, I can meet you here at seven-thirty and we can go together so that I can show you where it is?"

Though she doesn't return my smile with one of her own, I still feel like this is a win when she acquiesces. I get the feeling her reluctance is to do with the exercise more than myself, which is winning in my books.

With that she enters her house, leaving me standing rooted in my spot, her yes being the little drop needed to nourish the hope I thought was long snuffed out.

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