Chapter 50 - Tribrid

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She is gone. The thought is banging around inside my head relentlessly, strumming the last fiber of my restraint. Restrain I have only just managed to get back after my Lycan took over. I look up, my eyes taking in the devastation of my house. Claw marks adorned the walls, and splintered furniture decorated the carpet. Nothing remained except for these physical remnants of my rage.

"Dmitri, you need to calm down," Andrea says, his hand on my shoulder only slightly comforting. "You are not useful when your animalistic side takes over." His words are blunt but truthful. Right now, we needed to figure out where fucking Gael had taken Sky. I should have known. All those times he had smirked, all those times my gut instinct had told me there was something wrong with him. This was my fault.

"I'm sorry, Dmitri. This is my fault. I should never have brought Gael into your pack. Into your lives. If I had known better..." Raina trails off, her guilt as strong as mine. Though I know she would never have brought him here if she knew. We were all tricked.

"It's not your fault," Ally says, her bloodied hands pulling Raina into an embrace. Ivan had been taken to the infirmary, his injuries severe, but he would be okay. Dr. Andrews had left five minutes ago with Ivan on a stretcher, but not after first injecting me with a sedative, my Lycan at that point out of control. It took Kira and seven other warriors to hold me down. Luckily the injuries inflicted on them as they did had been mild. Kira had warriors patrolling the borders while she and the surveillance team tried tracking Gael and Sky's location. Knowing Gael, this would not be easy. I could see how unhinged and obsessive he was when his mask as Blaise finally fell.

My mind goes back to the locket hanging around his neck, my mother's locket that I had given Sky the night she lost her memories. I thought it had gone up in flames. Instead, it holds the memories of me and Sky, stolen. Anger threatens to take over again, so I push those thoughts aside. I needed to focus.

"It's nobody's fault," Ally says, her eyes drifting over to me. As a healer, she is very astute and can read a room as easily as a toddler's book.

"Beating ourselves up won't help anything." Her voice drifts around the disheveled room, its state not unique as I look at everyone. Mira and Andrea are hugging each other as they stand close to the window Ivan had hopped through earlier. Mira has been crying, the streaks of mascara indicating as much. Andrea's hair is a mess, his hands having run through it more than once as he paced between calming me and then Mira down.

Ally and Raina are sitting next to each other on the couch, which minutes ago was overturned. Ally is comforting Raina, who seems to be taking this as hard as me.

"What do we do now?" Mira asks after some time has passed where only silence fills the space between. Each of us wrapped up in our own thoughts. The feeling of guilt is the soup of the day.

"Kira and my surveillance team are busy looking into Gael. Hopefully, they can get a location. Isn't there something you can do to locate her?" I ask Raina. "A tracking spell or something?"

"I've tried already. Wherever she is, my magic is not reaching. No doubt Gael would guess that I would try..." Raina says, her voice despondent and lacking the usual strength and firmness.

My mind goes back to the last moment I saw Sky, the anguish on her face mixed with resignation as to what was about to happen to her. Suddenly, her words just before she disappeared pop into my head.

"The box," I say out loud, repeating Sky's final words to me.

I bolt up, racing towards the room we share as I rummage around in Skys things. I know, without a doubt, she was referring to the box her parents left for her. It doesn't take me long to find it. Sky has hidden it, along with the wedding dress her parents left her, under some of her underwear in a drawer I cleared out for her use. My heart aches, her presence in my life obvious as I look around the room, small touches of her everywhere.

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