Chapter 44 - Keepsakes

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I inhale deeply again, certain there was a scent on the dress that I recognize from somewhere but it disappears as quickly as it appeared. The frown on Sky's face vanishes with the same speed as she folds the dress neatly, placing it back in its cloth wrapping carefully. The dress would look magnificent on her. While we are still technically engaged, we have never broached the subject of marriage since The Incident. The awkwardness that I can feel now and the way that Sky glances at me briefly before she wraps the dress up tells me she too is thinking the same thing.

As much as I wanted to open up the discussion, now wasn't the time and I didn't want to appear too pushy or like I was forcing her into something. We had just recently found that sweet spot with each other where affection was no longer off limits and more importantly, where Sky actually trusted me again. I didn't want to mess that up.

Besides, I would need to get her another ring and I was even thinking of proposing again as she had no recollection of the first proposal, her only remembrance being the events that transpired thereafter when she lost her memory that same night. I would make it so that this next proposal eclipsed those memories completely.

"So, let's move on to the next item then," Sky says with more cheer than necessary as the awkwardness the wedding dress has evoked sits in the air.

I laugh, putting my hand on her thigh as she sits back down, giving it a small squeeze before I let go.

She pulls the small beautifully carved box towards her, her hands shaking slightly in anticipation. She is nervous.

There is a small butterfly latch on the side which seems to open easily. Lifting the lid reveals a small slip of black velvet material which Sky removes. Below the material is a collection of antique-looking items. Sky removes a gold necklace with a small blue oval pendant attached to it. The gem is not one I have seen before. It seems to emit light from its center. Not very bright but like a soft hue.

The next item to find its place beside the necklace is a small gold-encased glass vile with a cork stopper sealed with wax. Its contents, if any, are unknown. The third item is a folded piece of paper which when opened contains a mixture of herbs, seeds, and dried purple petals. Next is a small pencil, the thick wood encasing the lead carved from a narrow branch of a tree, the bark still seen in some areas. The tip was sharp and the other end was encased in metal which held a worn eraser. The last item in the box is a folded-up, blank piece of paper with a large brown stain over the entire page. As if tea or coffee was spilled over the entire thing and then was just left to dry.

"These look like keepsake items or something. I've never seen this box or its contents before but maybe it belonged to my gran or my mother." Sky mumbles as she picks up each item again, examining it before returning it to the box.

"Does the letter not mention anything about the contents?" I ask, still not having read the letter Sky's parents wrote to her. She had not offered for me to read it and I had not asked.

"No. Nothing about any of this. But," she turns to face me, a huge smile on her face, "that wasn't so bad. I'm glad it's over. Now, this can stop plaguing my thoughts."

I lean forward, pulling her close to me as I wrap my arms around her. "Good, the only thing that should be plaguing your thoughts is me," I whisper into her ear as I trail kisses down her neck.

The presence behind me is felt before it is heard. Instead of moving away from Sky, I continue kissing her neck, knowing full well who had rudely interrupted us. Blaise. He seemed to find just the right moment to appear.

He clears his throat, causing Sky to jump slightly with shock. She pulls back, her eyes wide as a blush colors her cheeks.

"I hope I'm not interrupting," Blaise says, his tone devoid of any real regret. I don't bother looking at him. I was hoping when Raina and Ally left at the end of the week after the Christmas celebration we had planned, that he would leave with them. I was barely tolerating his presence at the moment. His impromptu visits and interruptions were starting to get on my nerves. While Raina and Ally I had known long enough to extend liberties to them, such as coming and going from my house as they pleased, Blaise seemed to think this applied to him, adopting the same blasé behavior without the benefit of history between us allowing for such concessions. I didn't think him obtuse, my dislike for him was obvious, which meant he was doing it intentionally knowing it irked me.

"Yes, you are," I say at the same time Sky says, "no, you're not."

She gives me a pleading look, knowing how I feel about him. All things aside, he was a great trainer and Sky had progressed quickly in terms of learning control and wielding her powers more effectively.

"I need to get going anyway. Pack business." I get up, giving Sky a kiss on her forehead before I turn around. Blaise is standing at the entrance, the scowl on his face pulling his brow together.

His sour expression stays with me long after I leave. There was a burning dislike that was being fanned every time we came in contact with each other. If we didn't need him the way we did, I would have told him to leave pack lands. But as it stood, he seemed to be the only one who could help Sky tame and temper some of her powers. My mood is further soured when I arrive at Dr. Andrews, his news that the hunter had died just fifteen minutes ago nearly setting me off into a fit of rage.

Shortly after Dr. Andrews had operated on him, he fell into a coma. My suspicion that someone on the inside had helped him niggled at me, with the hunter being the only person able to confirm this thought. He had awoken from his coma half an hour ago, but somehow, he managed to slip a cyanide pill. Where he got it was an even bigger mystery, adding to the suspicion that someone in my pack was not who we thought they are. Either information was being fed to Gael or Gael was teleporting in and out unnoticed. Though Raina assured me that there was no sign of black magic at the borders.

The thought of one of my pack members betraying me stabs me in my heart. We are family. It would be the ultimate betrayal. Kira was currently running checks on all pack members, looking for anomalies. My hope was that she found none. Making my way out of the hospital I nearly reach my car when Dr. Andrews comes running out, my name being called as he quickly approaches me.

"My nurse, she found this, under the hunter's body."

The blood in my veins freezes as I look down at the poorly sketched picture. What stares back at me though is unmistakable. A necklace. My mother's necklace. The one I gave Sky on the night I proposed to her. The night she lost her memories. The night it went up in flames as her body did. 

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