Chapter 60 - Life Giver

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"Quickly, on the bed down the passage," Dr. Andrews says to Andrea, Dylan, and Ivan as they carry Dmitri's lifeless form into my house and down the passage to my room. The real one outside Willow Falls. It was the closest place to where Gael had been holding me hostage, and we didn't have time to waste.

Luckily, Kira had mind-linked Dr. Andrews to meet us here when she saw Dmitri fall, her loyalty to her Alpha admirable. As soon as Gael's dead body hit the floor, so too did the remainder of his shadow monsters. Luckily everyone had survived, though their fight had been grueling. Raina is sitting in a chair in the corner, her eyes on Dmitri as Ally patches a large gash along her right upper arm. Ally, too, sports some cuts along her face. However, they seem superficial, the blood already having dried. We all looked like train wrecks, clothes ripped, and bodies dirty.

My eyes drift over to Dmitri. After he told me he loved me and our baby, he lost consciousness, the silver in his system ravaging his internal organs and stopping the healing that was required after fighting the snake and Gael. Emotions overwhelm me, and I can't help the sob that escapes as I crumble to the ground. I couldn't think, after everything, of my life without Dmitri. I couldn't see a future beyond this point if he didn't survive.

Mira and Rene, who have been standing back while the doctor works, come to my side. They don't say anything, their gentle presence appreciated rather than words which at this point wouldn't mean anything. With Rene bound to Ivan, she could understand how I felt, no doubt going through the same feelings when Gael had injured Ivan at Dmitri's house. Mira, too understood the connection, as she had explained a similar bond forming with Andrea after he fed on her.

"We are flushing his system. There is nothing more to do but wait and see if his Alpha blood can fight back. If it were not for the fact that he is a Lycan, he would already be dead. I will stay in the spare room and change the drip every hour. You all should get some rest," Dr. Andrews says gently, looking around the room before leaving.

"He is strong, Sky. If he isn't dead yet, he still stands a chance," Andrea says to me before holding his hand out for Mira to take.

"We will make some tea," he says, pulling Mira into his arms as they leave the room.

"Ivan, Dylan, we need to handle some pack business. The members are restless. We need to calm everyone down. They can feel something is wrong with Dmitri," Kira says, her eyes on Dmitri as she talks, a tear falling down her face, which she wipes away quickly. It was the first time I had seen her show this much emotion.

After telling me they would be close, they, too, left.

I get up from my place on the floor and approach the bed, my heart breaking as I look at the man I love. His face is ashen, now matching his white hair more than ever. What I would give to have his lids open, to see those green eyes look at me with any emotion. I would even take hate. Just for him to be awake.

I climb onto the covers beside him and put my head on his chest. The heart rate I usually hear beats fast and strong—this one, I have to strain to hear, even with my advanced hearing. Tears fall from my eyes, wetting the sheet covering him, a patch forming that gets bigger and bigger. I cry until I sleep, a restless sleep full of the dead bodies of my friends, all wrapped up in cloth and covered in little white flowers.

"Sky, wake up." Ally's words are coupled with a shake of my shoulders, my eyes flying open as reality creeps back in. I look over at Dmitri, hoping he is awake but met with the same picture as before.

"You had a bad dream. Come, we ran you a bath," Ally says, pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear as she takes my hand, helping me off the bed.

I give Dmitri another look before following Ally.

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