Chapter 61 - Wedding

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"It's fine, we have it under control. If anything happens, we will get hold of you. For today, just let go and enjoy. You deserve it after everything," Ivan reassures me, patting me on the shoulder. "Come, it's time to get ready. Everyone's waiting."

Just then, Andrea enters the room, the smile on his face huge as he eyes me from head to toe.

"Wow, brother. You clean up good," he says, approaching me and then straightening my tie.

The black suit I am wearing has been tailor-made for the occasion, with various fittings and adjustments taking place over the last six weeks. After Gael poisoned me with more silver than any werewolf, yet alone Lycan, could withstand, I was somehow still here. Thanks to Sky. I thought after I saw her in that clearing by the cliff that it would be the last time I saw her. Seems like the goddess had other plans for me. Though I was not left completely unscathed.

Scars littered my body. Made from the snake and the shadow creatures Gael conjured up. With the silver in my system, I was unable to heal, and it took weeks for some of the residual silver to leave my system, the open wounds closing in time and now leaving scars. My back, torso, and arms were littered with them, but I wasn't complaining. That and the weakness I still felt at times was a small price to pay to be able to see my Skylar and our baby again.

A baby that was nearly due in just over two months. Sky had been developing rapidly, and with the gestation period for a Lycan baby half that of a human, she was already showing as if she were four months pregnant—something I was thoroughly enjoying. Sky was glowing, carrying our pup. We were unsure if it were a boy or girl, something we would find out today. Raina had the results and would be sharing it with us after the ceremony.

It didn't matter to me. As long as our baby was healthy, the gender made no difference to me. After everything we had been through, to just be here, on this day, Sky carrying my child. It was a blessing.

"Okay. You ready?" Andrea asks, his hands on my shoulder as he waits for my response.

"Yes. I was born for this moment," I say, eliciting a huge grin from him.

"I remember feeling the same way with Mira," he says, hugging me before we head to the door. On the other side lay my future. One I had worked hard for.

The doors open into a large hall, a huge platform positioned in front of chairs on the left and right side, an aisle created down the middle.

We take some stairs, positioning ourselves on the right, while on the left, Raina, Ally, Rene and Mira stand. They beam at me, Raina giving me an enthusiastic thumbs up. The middle is reserved for a man I had not seen in ages. Father Emanuel. A priest from our pack church. Though the beliefs we followed were different from a traditional human church, he was ordained to conduct marriages and to seal bindings. The very reason I was standing here, my eyes glued to two large doors at the end of the aisle.

They open, revealing a vision that silences every murmur in the room. Sky stands in the doorway wearing the wedding dress her mother left her. Its enchantment ensures it fits Sky perfectly, accommodating Sky's rounded belly. She looks extraordinary. Skys hair is piled on the top of her head, red locs and curls fashioned in a simple updo that suits my girl more than anything fancy would. She wears the locket I gave back to her, my matching one hidden under my dress shirt. Her eyes briefly take in the room before landing on mine. Hazel with green.

A slow smile stretches across her face as her eyes trail my body before coming back up to meet my gaze. She starts walking down the aisle, her heart rate steady. Like mine. This moment does not make me anxious or nervous. This moment is like walking in a meadow with a cool breeze kissing your skin. It feels like the most natural thing on Earth. Every moment in my long life has led me here. Every bad thing and every good thing. My entire life, I have been moving towards this singular moment in time.

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