Chapter 18 - Dinner

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"I shouldn't have said that," I say, sensing Dmitri's sadness aligned with mine, the words I had said dampening the mood.

"You can say anything and feel anyway you want in front of me, Skylar. Don't be afraid to speak your truth because you are afraid of hurting me." He looks at me with tenderness, the moisture in my eyes threatening to spill if he keeps looking at me like that.

"Should we take a walk, there are some loungers outside that are great for star gazing," Dmitri says, getting up from the table. I smile at him, welcoming this distraction from my melancholy thoughts.

I didn't want to ruin tonight. After what Raina and Ally said to me the other day, how I had not considered what Dmitri was going through and how I was pushing everyone away, I wanted to try. I wanted to not feel so depressed and alone. I wanted to feel normal for a change. I wanted to feel passion and emotions other than sadness.

Tonight revealed a side of Dmitri that I was enjoying. Instead of the angry hulking man I thought him to be from our little interaction over the last months, he was kind and attentive and made me smile. He is also extremely sexy. Making our way outside, I trail behind him, his large frame wearing the dark grey suit like it was made while it was on him. It fit him perfectly. His hair was in a half ponytail, sitting on his broad shoulders. The jacket was open in the front, with no tie and the top buttons undone. When he carried me from the car, I could feel his stomach muscles through the thin white fabric of his shirt, his arms holding me as if I was light as a scarf draped over them. He is certainly a sexy piece of man meat. Man meat? Mmm, could I call him that if he is a Lycan, I think to myself?

We get to the lounge chairs, and I almost sigh in contentment as I lie down, the stars creating a masterpiece in the night sky. This night has been perfect. Dmitri has been the embodiment of the perfect date and this place he brought me to is like a fairy tale. I turn my head, looking at Dmitri's side profile as he looks at the stars. He is gorgeous. He starts smiling, his words bringing yet another blush to my face.

"I can feel you staring at me. Should I read your thoughts, Skylar?" I shake my head vigorously, mortified when I remember that if he wanted to, he could do just that.

"No, no. Some things are better left in the space of their creation," I say, laughing, "but thank you for not doing it just because you can. Tomorrow. I think it's as good a time as any to start teaching me to block it as you do."

"Of course. I can see this is just a ruse to spend more time with me but very well, I will slot you into my busy schedule," he says jokingly.

I can tell how much he has been craving to be in my company over the last couple of days and how I make him feel. He is making me feel all sorts of things I haven't felt in a long time. Happy, giddy, shy, pretty.

We lie there for a while, talking about small things, like what books we are currently reading and what music we like. He knows mine but I am rediscovering him, trying to convert this attractive stranger into someone I know.

After a while a comfortable silence creeps over us, the relaxing sounds of the forest lulling me to sleep.

And what a sleep it is. Images of Dmitri's muscular naked body float around in my mind, my hands reaching out to touch him as he circles just out of reach. This game of cat and mouse as he teases me is igniting a furnace in my body, a need building that is beyond anything I have felt before. It feels like my body is on fire. Sensitized beyond anything I have previously felt. It is like being kept on the edge of an amazing orgasm for hours. 

I'm not sure how long I have been asleep but when I wake up, there is a blanket on me and I am getting extremely hot. I fling the blanket off, sitting up with more speed than I meant to.

"You okay Skylar?" Dmitri asks from beside me.

"Sure, I'm just getting hot. Is there any water?" My head feels strange, like a headache might be coming on, and my body feels weird. The marks on my wrist are buzzing like there is excess energy building up. I look at Dmitri briefly before looking away as images from my dream surface.

"Stay here, I'll go check." Dmitri gets up, his concern evident in the way he looks at me.

He must have used his Lycan speed as he returns mere minutes later, his hand clasping a wine glass filled with water.

"No regular glasses so we will have to make do with this," he says, handing me the glass.

The water spills down the side of my mouth and onto my dress as I gulp it down, an insatiable thirst making my actions hasty and almost frantic. I use the back of my hand to wipe the excess water, taking a deep breath as I do.

"You are not okay. Should I take you to Raina?" Dmitri hunches down in front of me, his eyebrows drawn in worry.

"No, it's probably just the wine or the food. It's been a perfect evening Dmitri, really, and I hate spoiling it, but do you think we could call it a night? I think I just need some sleep. I'll be better in the morning."

"Of course Skylar. Wait here. I'll grab our stuff and get the car keys." He moves in the blink of an eye, closing the distance between where we are and the beautiful glass dome paradise we had eaten dinner in.

He moves with speed and determination, getting everything we need for the trip back. Sweat beads are forming on my forehead and upper lip, which I swipe with the back of my hand. Oh my god, I was really starting to perspire.

I get up, my legs a bit shaky, as Dmitri approaches.

He doesn't say anything as he lifts me up bridal style, my surprise at the action heard in the rushed words leaving my mouth.

"I'm sorry Dmitri, I'm really sweaty at the moment, it's probably gross-" my words are cut off as he inhales deeply, a loud growl leaving his throat.

"Dmitri?" He looks away, but not before I see his eyes turning black. 

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