Chapter 22 - Small Spaces

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After running for over an hour in the hopes of quelling my rampaging arousal, Ivan and I swiftly circled back to Sky's place. Renes mind-link to Ivan that something was going on with Sky had me sprinting ahead in record time, Ivan still catching up.

Rene is standing outside with Ally, the looks on their faces full of concern. As I shift back, they avert their gazes, looking everywhere but at me. The fact that I am stark naked takes a back seat as I head up the porch steps.

"I'm sorry Dmitri, I know this is difficult for you, but I didn't know who else to call," Rene says apologetically.

"We can't seem to wake her up and we were worried she would burn the place down. We can't get close to her but maybe you can," Ally says, moving out of the way so I can enter the house.

I make my way to Sky's room, Raina standing close to the door as she calls out Sky's name. Then I see her.

"Skylar," I growl out, my eyes scanning her naked body hungrily.

She is hovering in the air above her bed, as naked as the day she came into the world. This is different though. Before the curse was broken, when this happened it looked like orange flames whipping off her body, now it appeared to be molten red, the flames whipping further and higher into the air. It thankfully doesn't appear to be burning anything around her though.

"I can't get closer. It seems to burn people. But you may be the exception as we have seen from previous experiences. I'll give you naked people some privacy," Raina says winking, backing out of the room and closing the door behind her.

The hesitation is only momentary before I move forward, the molten flames hot against my skin and drenching me in Sky's scent, the pheromones strong. She is very aroused. I can smell it and it is doing nothing to calm my raging desires.

As I get closer, the snakes on her wrist start moving but instead of remaining on her arms, they slither over her body. I reach my arms out, our skin erupting in sparks as I hold her bridal style, pulling her close against my chest. When this happened before, the flames would dissipate, but instead, they seem to become more intense, in heat and movement. Her eyes fly open but instead of hazel eyes, black eyes meet mine.

"Dmitri," she whispers, her body relaxing against mine.

"Can you turn the flames off?" I ask her, smiling so that she doesn't panic.

Her eyes dart around, looking at her body and all around her.

"Shit. I don't know how." Her eyes are on mine, her panic starting to show.

"Just close your eyes and imaging something calm. That's what I try and do when I feel like I am losing control." Which was often in the last couple of hours.

She closes her eyes and before I know what has happened, we are standing in front of Sky's old house, Sky in my arms, flames gone. She opens her eyes, shock clear as she looks around. I mind-link Ivan to tell him where we are and that we are fine.

"Well, that's new," I say, looking down at Sky as her eyes meet mine again.

"I was thinking of somewhere calm, and that place is here," she says quietly in astonishment.

"Well, we don't have the keys to your house so let's wait in the shed for Ivan to come with some clothes," I say, more than aware that I am holding her naked body. My manhood is also not failing me in that department and is making itself known.

Sky's eyes are still black, the warmth from her body indicating she is still in the full throes of her heat. Clear as day as I inhale deeply, my eyes now as black as hers as her scent hits me again.

Sky, realizing the predicament we are in, looks down at her body, her arms flying forward to try and cover as much as possible. Her head snaps up, the red flush on her face and neck noticeable thanks to the light that has come on above the front door. She is so fucking gorgeous. I look away, fighting the urges building up in me.

Carrying her is a mental struggle, one that has me averting my gaze so that I don't see the way she is looking at me. Or how her arms are squeezed over her breasts, inadvertently leaving her cleavage on display. Or how smooth the skin of her neck looks. Or how the freckles on her face are begging me to kiss them, not to mention her slightly parted lips.

I lift her further up, not wanting her back to feel the things she is doing to me.

The torturous walk to the shed is over as I kick the shed door open with my foot, not caring when a splinter from the wood can be felt entering my toe. Sticking splinters in my eyes at this point would be less torturous than holding this naked goddess in my arms.

I place Sky down gently before turning my back to her as she tries covering herself. Where the fuck was Ivan. My Lycan is pushing forward, his mate's scent activating that primal instinct to bury the painfully hard erection deep inside her. I grab the shelves next to me willing myself to gain some self-control.

It doesn't help that Sky's scent is lingering on my body. My grip on the shelf tightens as the feeling of me losing control as I did a couple of months ago starts to feel familiar.

Thoughts of my hands squeezing her breasts while my head dips to suck the already hard nipples find their way into my mind when suddenly I realize, those aren't my thoughts.

I whip around, Sky standing rooted to the spot I left her, black eyes meeting black. Her eyes roam my body with an intensity that has the areas almost tingling. Her visual travels continue downwards, lingering on my erect shaft before meeting my eyes again.

I growl out, the sound loud in this small shed.

"I can smell you, Skylar."  

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Tomorrow I will post Chapter 23 as a Christmas gift to all of you beautiful people and to say thank you for being here :)

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