Chapter 26 - The Deal

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Sky gives Blaise an apologetic smile before meeting me as I approach. I look over at him, annoyance at the interruption conveyed in the look he gives me. He was starting to get on my nerves. His attitude from days ago and around Ally and Raina was different from when he was in my company, or Sky's for that matter, considering what I had just witnessed. When I brought it up with them, they brushed it off, blaming it on my jealousy.

"Raina is looking for you," I say to him, not sparing him another glance. I hear him mumble under his breath before he starts walking in the direction of my house.

"Skylar," I say, stopping in front of her.

"Dmitri." She holds my gaze for around two seconds before looking away, her cheeks rosy red.

"I was just about to make some tea, would you like some?" We are supposed to be meeting Raina and Ally at my house to go over something they found in the book, but I suppose a couple of minutes wouldn't hurt.

"Sure, Skylar." She turns around, heading in the direction of the house, giving me time to look at her. She is wearing a long flowing bohemian skirt with a tight white tank top. Her hair is piled on top of her head with a scarf wrapped around the tie. Her neck is on display, revealing three bite marks littered in various places, one just above her clavicle, one under her left ear, and another at the base of her neck. They have healed, appearing as small scars. I held similar marks on my pecs, neck, and stomach.

I follow her into her house and into the kitchen where she switches the gas on, the kettle already waiting on the hob. She fusses with cups and ingredients as I lean against the counter, my eyes following her every move.

"You're making me nervous," she says, smiling as she looks up at me, her fingers playing with the string of the teabag as she stands inches away from me.

"You're making me want to eat you up," I return, her innocence endearing. She blushes, looking away.

"You told me the other day that you didn't have any regrets, then why are you avoiding me? I have given you space, but I feel like if we carry on like this we won't move forward." I hesitate before asking the next question. "Did I do something wrong?"

I'm dreading her response. Perhaps I was too rough or not considerate enough.

She sighs, turning around to face the same way I am as she too leans against the counter, her arm brushing mine.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Dmitri. It was perfect. So perfect that it's all I can think about. Every time I see you now, I want to throw myself at you, just be close to you." She runs her hand over her face in frustration.

I turn to face her, her words are unexpected and confusing. If she was feeling like that, feeling the same way I did, then what was the problem?

"I don't understand, then why are you avoiding me? I feel the same way, if not more Skylar. I love you. That hasn't changed for me. It's gotten stronger actually if anything. So why not give in and just let those feelings run their course." I put my finger under her chin, forcing her to look at me.

She hesitates, before saying, "I feel like I don't know you. You know me but I don't know anything about you. I don't remember. And the other night for me was like my first time, and while it was amazing, it also felt like I had given my first time to someone I didn't really know."

While I am hurt by her words, I do understand what she is saying. I remember all the nights we spent together at my old house, reading books, talking about our pasts, talking about our future. For Sky, I am almost a stranger to her.

"You do know that staying away from me doesn't actually remedy the situation?" I ask her, smiling so that it breaks some of the tension.

The kettle starts whistling, my arm moving around Sky to turn the hob off. She smiles up at me, "I know, but I was also quite embarrassed. You know, about the other night. Did you see the state of the shed and the jeep and our bodies," she says gesturing between us. "Your scent is still lingering all over me, I can see it."

"I can smell it," I say, laughing as she does. When mates bite each other, it leaves behind the other's scent, letting other wolves or Lycans know that they have been claimed. Barbaric, but that is the way it was. It was not something I was complaining about. I didn't want anyone else putting their paws on Sky, the thought causing jealousy to simmer up before I squash it back down. Even a hypothetical situation had my blood boiling.

"Look, nobody cares. They are just happy we are getting along. How about we sort out the whole 'you not knowing' me issue so that we can stop avoiding each other and move forward," I say, an idea forming in my head that has me smiling mischievously.

"Okay, what do you suggest," Sky asks the question hesitantly, a questioning look on her smiling face.

"Stay open-minded, okay?" She nods in response, her hands moving to grasp the countertop, inadvertently pushing her breasts up. Mmmm, this was going to be fun.

"Come stay with me. For a couple of weeks. It will give us time to get to know each other again. And we could start your training, you know, to block me out," I say laughing, her eyebrows raising in response to my suggestion.

"Before everything that happened, you were going to stay with me anyway. Give your old self the benefit of the doubt that they knew what they were doing," I say teasingly.

"Live with you." She pushes away from the counter, the words being repeated as she contemplates my suggestion.

She grabs the kettle, pouring boiling water into our mugs. I can see the wheels in her mind turning, her expression thoughtful. I wait patiently, willing her to say yes.

"Okay." She says quietly turning to me, "but on one condition."

"Name it." Whatever it was I would agree to it.

"Can you take me to Maine?"

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Ohhhh, these two are finally finding each other again :)

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