Chapter 28 - Mind Games

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"Okay, so you once told me that you use to do a lot of meditation and visualization," I say to Skylar as she sits opposite me on the couch in my house.

After Raina and Ally dropped the bombshell that Sky might be a key that unlocks the power to destroy in the wrong hands, we called it an evening. Leaving Sky and me to practice her blocking me out. She said it was one of the requirements for her coming to stay. I could understand with us being this close that she would worry I would take advantage. While I hated the idea of not knowing what she was feeling or thinking, I understood her need for privacy. And so far I had been good at not abusing the bond just to get insight into her inner environment.

"Visualise our bond as a pipe of sorts, and our emotions and thoughts are like water that flows along that pipe. At the moment, there is no tap on your end, stopping that flow. But if you visualize that tap and yourself shutting it on and off, that should give you the tool you need to control me being able to read your thoughts and feel what you are feeling. Eventually, you will just need to think it to create a blockage, but this is useful when starting."

"Let's try it. I'm going to read your mind, and you're going to try and block me." Sky, who had been sitting casually on the couch, her legs pulled under her, swings her feet down so that she is sitting upright. I nearly laugh as her previously relaxed facial expression now takes on one of concentration and seriousness.

"Okay, give me a second, I'll nod when I'm ready," she says staring back at me. "Okay, that's not helping, let me close my eyes." She blushes, looking down as she closes her eyes. I wait for the nod before entering her mind.

La la la la, stop thinking about his eyes and his lips la la la la, oh my god, what if he is reading my mind? Are you reading my mind?

"Am I doing it?" she asks, while I try and contain my laughter at her thoughts.

"I didn't get anything that time, let's try again," I say, my voice thankfully not giving away the humor her thoughts are causing me.

Mmmm, I wonder if he is going to kiss me. Do I want him to kiss me? Yes, yes definitely. I want that. Shit, what if he can read my thoughts. Would he lie to me? No. He wouldn't, would he?

I can help the laugh that escapes me as her eyes fly open, the blush literally shifting up her face.

"I'm sorry, I was joking with you the first time," I say to her, her eyes going wide before her hands brush the hair off her face in a nervous gesture.

"I knew you could read my thoughts still, I was just making that stuff up," she smiles at me before looking away and flopping back into the couch.

"It's difficult to master the first time Skylar, we will just keep practicing. Do you want to take a shower or something before we eat, I'll pop some pizza in the oven in the meantime." She jumps up, my words giving her the out she needed to compose herself.

"That's perfect." She twirls around, heading towards the bedroom and the ensuite bathroom. "I'll see you just now!" she shouts, as she bounds down the passage.

While I am tempted to read her thoughts again, I don't. Hearing the shower turn on I head for the kitchen, turning the oven on. I felt light tonight. Less restless. The fact that she was here in my house set aside that feeling like I had to be somewhere. Usually, I would be lurking around her house in the shadows, watching and listening from a distance. With her here, I felt at peace. It was a great feeling.

Minutes go by as I mingle in the kitchen, pizzas in the oven and kettle on the stove as I know Sky would love some tea.

She approaches quietly, the padding on her slippers making her footsteps almost silent, but not silent enough for me.

"Can I help with anything?" she asks as I turn around, her scent engulfing me. It almost seems stronger after her shower. She is wearing a matching white pajama set with little blue clouds decorating the material. Her hair is down for a change, the red curls unruly after the heat from the shower. She looks...cute for lack of a better word.

"No, everything is sorted. I'm making tea," I say gesturing towards the kettle whistling quietly on the hob. Her face lights up, her eyes scanning the kitchen.

"Ohh, where are the mugs and the tea?" she asks, moving forward when I point to a cupboard on her left.

She grabs two mugs off the shelf, looking up at me expectantly as she puts them on the counter.

"I don't usually have time to drink tea or coffee but there is a pack of tea in the pantry," I say, motioning to the two wooden cupboard doors at the end of the kitchen.

"That sounds terrible," she says laughing as she makes her way to the pantry. I love watching her move around my kitchen, the smile permanently etched on my face proof.

She opens the pantry doors, her eyes scanning the shelves as she searches for the tea. I can see it from where I am standing. It is on the top shelf. She spots it, her hand extending upward as she balances on her toes. There is no way she will reach it. I make my way to where she is, loving the way her shirt rides up as she stretches, revealing the smooth skin of her midriff.

"I just can't reach it." She is mumbling under her breath, her irritation only making me smile further.

I stand behind her, her body stiffening as she feels my presence. Grabbing the box, I put it in her hands as she turns around. We are inches from each other, her head tilted back as she looks at me, her beautiful hazel eyes scanning my face. Her heart rate increases as my index finger grazes the side of her face before I push a curly red strand behind her ear.

"Do you want to kiss me, Skylar?" Her eyes go wide as understanding dawns.

"You heard me. Um, well, you know I just said those things in my mind because I knew you could hear me and I was throwing you-," I don't let her finish before I lean down and capture her lips with my own, the kiss gentle. All the love and adoration flowing from me to her. 

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