Chapter 16 - Disappointment

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I blink my eyes a couple of times, dabbing them with the back of my knuckles. The song brought back visions of my mother and gran, their hands clasped together as they sang, my mother stroking my hair every now and again. It was a bittersweet memory.

"You sang beautifully Skylar. Are you okay?" Instead of Dmitri's eyes glued to the book like the rest of the occupants at the table, he is looking at me. His hand takes mine and gives it a gentle squeeze. I don't pull away as I would usually do. I even return his squeeze with one of my own and a small reassuring smile.

"I'm fine. Just memories, you know. Anyway," I say a little louder, looking away from Dmitri to the book, "shall we end the suspense and finally see what this Legend has to do with me."

I am beyond eager to finally have some answers.

"You should open it Raina, it belonged to your ancestor," I say, knowing this would please her and confirmed by the grateful smile on her face. I am sure this must be just as exciting for her. She had read nearly all of the books in all of the supernatural archives bar a couple. This one is part of the couple.

She doesn't say anything, her hand reaching for the edge of the leather front page. The room is so quiet you can hear the pinecone that falls on the tin roof outside loud as day.

I lean forward, a gesture mimicked by everyone as she gently lifts the old worn leather front page. The musky smell with its teal and light brown color, just like my dream, wafts into the air with every movement. As she gently flips it over the front page appears, the same symbol in the front drawn on the faded yellow page along with some words written in elegant cursive writing, the only one I recognize being 'Elsabeth'.

With the same delicacy as before she flips over to the next page. I lean further forward, my eyes taking in line after line of small cursive writing, symbols breaking up the writing now and then. The eagerness I felt moments ago starts subsiding as I realize I don't understand a word that is written. And there were pages and pages to go through. We had no idea where the curse would be mentioned. If at all. Bubble burst.

"Okay, reading a text in a language that was last used one thousand years ago is going to take some time. The last time I translated anything of this magnitude was over ten years ago when they found the manuscript of Manuri in that tomb dig in North America," Raina says, her eyes glued to the pages of writing.

"Blaise and Ally can help, but I'll have to send some pictures of the pages off to my coven and have them assist if we want any answers fast." Sighing, she leans back in her chair rubbing her temples.

She is frustrated, as am I, but what exactly was I expecting? After all this time waiting would it really have been that simple? No would be the answer if history was any yardstick. But instead of wallowing in this feeling, I wanted to let it go. We might already be further than we were yesterday, so I wanted to believe that this book held the answer. It just required patience on my part.

"It's fine Raina. We have waited this long, we can wait a bit longer. Thank you. For helping me...all of you." I look around the table.

Ally gives me a small smile, as does Raina though hers is more strained. Blaise is looking at me with a look I cannot figure out before he replaces it with a big smile. I finally look at Dmitri who is looking at me thoughtfully. We stare at each other, long enough for it to become uncomfortable as I realize other people are around, my face blushing as I look away.

I was really grateful. I often wondered why Ally and Raina were helping me. Was it a sense of duty or could it be as straightforward as them simply wanting to? Was it such a stretch for me to believe that these people could be helping me just because they wanted to, with nothing required in return? I wanted to believe that so much it stirred in my heart. To have friends.

"Okay. Well it's late already so let's get cracking in the morning," Ally says, stifling a yawn.

It only dawns on me now that the light outside has dimmed substantially. Ally's infectious yawning has spread, and I find myself similarly trying to hide a yawn. Considering I was in snoozeville earlier having that weird dream, I shouldn't really be tired. Nonetheless, here I am, wishing I didn't still have to walk home. The enthusiasm I had this morning when I walked here is nowhere to be found.

As if reading my mind, which I think he just did, Dmitri gets up, gesturing to the others.

"Come, I will drop everyone off, it's too late and dark to walk and everyone is tired," he says, winking at me as he turns around to walk towards the front door.

I don't even put up a fight and follow him and the others to his car. The three hop in the back leaving me relegated to the passenger seat. Before I can open the door, Dmitri is there, opening the door for me as he holds out a hand, helping me in. The sparks as we touch surprise me still and looking at our joined hands I wonder if that feeling will ever lose its allure.

The backseat is filled with chatter as the three discuss Elsabeth's book, speculation at what it might contain falling on deaf ears as I zone out, my head resting on the window as I watch the trees whizz by. Luckily we are not far from everyone's residence but even considering that I don't make it to Ivan's house before my eyes close.

I'm woken again when I feel Dmitri's arms around me, my body being jostled from the car as easily as if I'm a dandelion seed being picked up by the wind.

My eyes fly open, the realization of how close we are together making me nervous. I look up at his handsome face, his off-white hair falling forward as his hands are occupied to push it back. He has not shaved for a couple of days, the stubble on his face hiding the start of the scar on his chin, one I know is there. My finger once again itching to run my finger down it. It intrigues me to no end. The thought brings me back to the episode in the woods which lead to him and me alone in my room, my finger then brave enough to do what my mind was thinking now. Why? Why was I so afraid of letting this man in? Why did it feel like something was holding me back like I was missing something?

He doesn't look at me as he continues towards my house, the sensor on the porch light causing a flood of light to engulf us as we get to the door.

"Um, I can take it from here Dmitri. Thank you," I say awkwardly.

He hesitates, his beautiful dreamy green eyes looking at mine intensely before setting me down. He makes me feel so small in his presence and so precious at the same time. Like I am a piece of fine china that needs to be handled with care.

I turn around, unlocking the door and opening it, hesitating before I turn around again.

"Thank you, Dmitri, for everything," I say, standing on my tiptoes as I embrace him, my hands snaking up his back and making me rethink what I am doing. His muscles are unlike anything I have felt before. To be honest, I have never touched a body like this, that I can remember. His muscles flex as I move my hands over them, their hardness a contrast to my fleshy body.

His one hand is on my back while the other strokes my hair, the unruly curls and dreads probably a mess after the day's activities. But he doesn't seem to care. When he looks at me, I feel perfect.

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