Chapter 13 - The Book

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"Okay, so Raina and I know that the book is bound by some sort of dark magic. I can feel it through the material," Blaise says, his head inclining in the direction of the book lying in the middle of my dining room table.

After having dinner last night, we all called it a day. Even Sky agreed that looking at the book could wait for tomorrow. I could feel she was curious to know what was in it, but after looking at the tired faces around her she gave in without a fight. Something that surprised not only me but also Raina and Ally. Since The Incident she had become very stubborn and self-centered, so far removed from who we knew her to be.

Another thing that changed since yesterday is the way her heart had skipped a beat when I exited my vehicle. And the feeling that I felt through our bond, usually only coming from my side, had been reciprocated for the first time in six months. She was happy to see me. I hoped that when she learned to control the bond between us, she would at least allow me to feel some of what is going on inside her. Without her using words it was difficult.

Something happened with her marking me, making us feel closer and less uncomfortable around each other. My Lycan had also settled down, leaving me feeling more in control of myself than I had of late. Sleep was better, though not as good as when we lay next to each other, but not bad. My body felt lighter and less tortured, the dark marks not only gone under my eyes but also Sky's. All in all, things were settling down.

After leaving Sky's place last night we decided to meet at my place in the morning. Sky's curiosity about the house I now lived in had not gone unnoticed the day we passed it on our way to training, her neck almost snapping off as she strained her head. The way she ran her hand over the wooden cladding in appreciation had me closing my eyes and wishing for her to touch me like that.

"We were thinking...," Raina says, bringing my attention back to the table, hesitating as she looks at Blaise for encouragement, "that perhaps Sky needs to be the one to open it."

Silence hangs in the room as I feel my anger rising. Sky can feel it too as she raises a hand and puts it on my arm under the table. I look down at her, wondering if the action is unconsciously done as her face gives nothing away. While it was a sweet gesture, it was doing little to quell the anger.

"Are you mad? Must I remind you what you said to me just the other day? That if you were any weaker it could have killed you. You, a seasoned powerful witch. How do you expect Skylar to handle it?" I am so angry, and it is coming through in my tone, as Raina's hands go up defensively.

"Whoa big guy, just hear us out before you throw a fit," Raina says, looking back at Blaise once again.

"Okay, let's remind ourselves about the curses words, most of which we were able to decipher and which have happened. But there were parts of it that we were unsure of," Blaise says, putting a piece of paper on the desk.

It looks like it has been folded and unfolded a million times, the bottom fold mark tearing and splitting up some words.

'Cursed by love, hidden within,

the power of all, the Legends begin.

Black or white, light or dark,

Fated mate, it starts with a spark.

Released by love, the act is done,

Bitten, everything before now is none.

There but not, absence is felt,

Can be recovered, the end is dealt.'

"We know this curse relates to Skylar-" a growl escapes me, causing everyone at the table to stiffen.

"It's just Sky," Sky says to Blaise awkwardly.

Sky already knew how I felt about anyone but me calling her Skylar. Dylan tried that once and received the same growl, however as a werewolf, he was able to decipher the warning more succinctly than this warlock, who just appears confused. Rightfully so.

"Noted," he says, carrying on full steam ahead. "So what if she is more powerful than we think? Dmitri, Raina was telling me how you scent her as a mix of all supernaturals, right?" Blaise asks me, not waiting for an answer as he continues.

"What if she actually does have some of the power and abilities of them all? We already know her senses have sharpened, she can teleport or run very fast or both, and she can shift. Not fully but to an extent. All of which I can help train her in. 'The power of all, the Legends begin', sounds like that is what it is referring to," he says, his brown eyes landing on each of us at the table as he speaks. "So, then this line 'black or white, light or dark', what if that means that Sky has access to both sides? Even when it comes to magic."

The words hang ominously in the air. What Blaise is suggesting is that Sky might be able to access dark magic. The same magic Gael can access. The very magic that has been outlawed by all the elders of all the supernatural groups. Anyone found using it would be killed without a trial. Anyone aware of another being using it is under a legal obligation to report the use else they can face similar punishment. It is seen as aiding and abetting. It has not been used in so long that there are only a handful of witches who even know how to access it.

"Are you in agreement with this theory?" I ask Raina, who has been quietly observing myself and Sky as Blaise has been talking.

I look at Sky who is sitting quietly, then remember that this is probably the first time she has heard the curse. Neither Raina nor I have ever told her, and she never asked.

"I am Dmitri. And I know what you are thinking. It's what all of us have been thinking. It's illegal. But we are not even sure Sky can access dark magic, so as a theory it's not illegal."

"And if it works?" I say, looking at everyone at the table, though Sky is looking down. "I'm least concerned about what The High Council will do. What will it do to Skylar?"

"I'll do it," Sky says, ignoring my words, the determination in her voice irrefutable.

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