Chapter 29 - Maine

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After our totally unexpected and sweet kiss in the pantry last night, Dmitri and I had supper, tea, and then chatted for hours before I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up in bed this morning, his bed, alone and well-rested. Admittedly, I slept way better when he was around than when he wasn't. I'm not sure where he slept last night but I was grateful to avoid the awkwardness of potentially waking up next to him. After our last sexual encounter, the sexual tension between us was thicker than peanut butter cheesecake.

We left Raina and Ally at Dmitri's house to continue deciphering the book, hoping that there would be a clue as to the location of this lock that I supposedly was the key to. Blaise also seemed to opt out for a couple of days, apparently needed back at his coven for some business. He told me to continue training in his absence and that we would continue harnessing my powers when he returns.

That left Dmitri and me nearly at the destination we set out for this morning. Maine. We will be fulfilling the condition I had stated when I agreed to move in with him temporarily. A glance to the back seat confirms my small overnight bag is there, lying next to Dmitri's. He insisted on arranging the accommodation and told me we would be attending a function while we were in the area. I just hope the clothes I packed would be appropriate as he had not told me what the dress code was.

In my hand is the letter I received from a bank in Maine, along with a lockbox key. They had specific instructions to deliver it to me on my 29th birthday, which they did apparently. But with that period falling between the time I lost my memories, I don't recall receiving this letter. I only found it by fluke a week ago when I was rummaging through a box I brought from my old house looking for my grandmother's journal containing all her herbal recipes. This envelope was tucked in between the pages.

I do wonder why I never went immediately to get the contents of the lockbox when I received it. When I showed Dmitri, he says I never mentioned or showed him this letter or key during that time. A mystery I would only be able to solve if my memories ever come back.

"You okay Skylar?" he asks me, pulling me back to the present.

We had been practicing what he taught me last night, to block my thoughts and emotions from him. I was starting to get the hang of it, effectively turning my tap on and off in my visualization.

"I don't know, you tell me?" I say to him, challenging him to read me as I quickly turn my imaginary tap off, blocking his access to my thoughts and feelings.

There is silence before a smile slowly spreads across his face. "Well done, I'm not getting anything that time."

My smile is triumphant as I answer the question he asked me. "I'm fine. Just wondering why I never went to Maine sooner."

"I'm not sure. But rather late than never, right?" Dmitri says, his hand grasping mine as he squeezes it gently. As he is about to pull his hand away, I flip my hand over, lacing my fingers through his.

"Right, rather late than never," I repeat, putting the letter and key on my lap.

"So, where are we staying tonight?" Dmitri has been very tight-lipped about where we are staying.

"Mmmm, it's a surprise. But I'm sure you will love it," he says, glancing at me briefly before his eyes return to the road ahead.

We continue for half an hour before the GPS sounds the warning about our imminent arrival at our destination. Butterflies flutter in my stomach as I see the big sign on the building "Grand West Bank". The windows have pictures of green fields and smiling people, obscuring the view inside. As it is nearing closing time, the parking area is relatively empty, leaving us to park right in front of the building.

Dmitri switches the vehicle off, unbuckling his seat belt as I do mine. He turns to face me, his face calm.

"Whatever you find in there, it will be okay and we will handle it together. Obviously with Maine being the location of your parent's death, I know you must be wondering if they left something here for you." The surprise on my face does not go unnoticed. Did he read my mind? I had been wondering that very thing as soon as I read the letter.

"Before you start wondering, no I didn't read your mind. It's just logical. But also, be prepared that it might be something else completely. I don't want you to have expectations and then get hurt, that's all." He lifts my hand to his mouth, kissing the knuckles gently then placing it against his cheek briefly before exiting the vehicle.

He comes around to my side opening the door and shielding me from the cold breeze forcing its way into the warm car. I grab my jacket from the back and quickly pull it on, zipping it up to keep my warmth in.

After getting out and locking the car, we make our way to the entrance of the bank, following signs to customer services who redirect us accordingly. Half an hour later we are back in the car, a sealed brown box clutched closely to my chest. It doesn't weigh a lot but the weight of what it might contain is heavy.

Dmitri and I are silent as we drive to our next destination which he says is not far. I don't want to open the box in the car. I want to open it somewhere where I can sit, maybe have a glass of wine or a cup of tea ready. It doesn't make sense, but Dmitri seems to understand completely, not pressurising me to open it out of curiosity. I have always been able to wait. While some people got a new phone and immediately wanted to open the box and get it going, I would wait until maybe the next day, when I was calmer. That's how it felt with this. Like I had to be in the right frame of mind.

Part of me knew why I felt this way because whatever was in this box, was from my parents. I could feel it.

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