Chapter 39 - The Legend

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We are all sitting staring at the paper lying in front of Sky on the table. The Legend. The page from Elsabeths book.

"I have it." Skylar's words minutes earlier had caused Raina to audibly gasp before she had got up and gone inside to retrieve it from her bag.

Finally. I had been waiting for her to say something. I already knew she had the page. This morning when she was packing her bag before we came to Andreas' villa, her mother's letter and the page from the book dropped on the floor. She didn't know I had just re-entered the room from the bathroom and I saw her quickly tuck it back into her bag.

I wasn't angry that she hadn't told me. A little hurt that she kept it from me? Yes, definitely. But I rationalized it by saying she must have a reason. Patiently, I had been waiting for her to tell me. To tell us.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Raina had asked her accusingly. "You know we have been searching high and low for it."

"I only got it yesterday," was Sky's defensive response, her body moving in her chair uncomfortably as she prickled under Raina's frustration.

"It was part of the items in the lockbox that my parents left me. I haven't even had a chance to read it," Sky had said quietly looking around the faces at the table as if hoping that detail would somehow make it better.

Ally's voice breaks the trance we all seem to be in. No one reaching for the page to read it.

"You don't seem surprised Dmitri," Ally says, causing Sky's gaze to whip up to mine.

"You knew? Why didn't you say anything?" She asks, her aura oozing guilt.

"I wanted you to tell us. I assumed you didn't for a reason." I wait, looking on as she has an internal battle with herself.

"I don't know. Maybe I just wanted to understand it first. It was one of the last things my parents touched. Or maybe..." Sky hesitates before she continues onwards, "maybe I just don't want to know."

"I'm scared. Everything that has happened has happened because of this Legend. Because of me. I had a normal life before. It wasn't exciting but at least I wasn't an apostle of doom. Maybe I'm not ready for what it has to say. My parents gave their lives for this. To hide me. What if it confirms that I am the key to unlocking a power that could be used to destroy?" We can all feel the emotion behind her words, her face clearly displaying the pain she is feeling on the inside. Its effect has Raina's anger from before subsiding, her face morphing as she looks at Sky now with sympathy.

"You can't hide from it. It is inevitable Sky. Not reading it isn't going to change anything or make it all go away. Gael will come for you, whether you are ready or not. Wouldn't you rather be ready?" Raina says gently.

We forget that Sky is relatively new to our world. And her introduction to it has not been easy sailing. I can totally understand her fear.

"We are not going anywhere. You're not alone." Ally's gently spoken words impact Sky more than she lets on, as I hear her heart skip a beat. I'm well aware of how alone she has felt in the past and even now. Ally's reassurance hits exactly the spot that is causing her anxiety about everything.

Sky gently picks up the page, the discolored paper attesting to its age.

"It's one of Elsabeths journal entries. It speaks of the vision she had. My parents included its translation," Sky says, handing Raina the page from Elsabeths book, while she reads out the translation.

'While walking today past the stone of the lost souls, I was visited by a vision. Gifted to me by the old witch soul from the coven of the First Five as she entered my body. The reaffirmation of the lost Legend of the 'Clavis Est Ad Potentiam Super Pmnia', 'Key to Power Above All'.

Yin who is mother to all, parturition of statera, light and dark, accouchement of the tribrid. Blessed and marked by the goddess Renenutet.

Yang who is father to all, parturition of statera, light and dark, accouchement of the tribrid. Blessed and marked by the mate mark of the mistress of the moon Jezelda, sitting on the constellation of Lycaon, the Great King of Arcadia.

In the vision I see the woman marked by Renenutet, floating in a blue and grey Sky, her hair floating in the air as orange flames engulf her. Like a phoenix from the ashes, an essence is left in its stead, swirls of light pink, peach, and white dancing to a beat I cannot hear.

She will not know who she is and will wander the world covered in the cloak of people, the cloak of the curse, until the time is right. The call of the heart, breaking the shackles that bind. To be bound to another instead. Yin and yang.

So mote it be.'

"That's it. That's what it says," Sky says, turning the page in her hand to be sure.

Her voice is strained and she looks pale.

"There's a lot to unpack here. While some of what is said is obvious, other parts need some analysis. Based on this you are clearly the key. Marked by the goddess Renenutet. But the rest is confusing. What it suggests is not possible," Raina says, her thoughts at the end spoken more to herself as she sits deep in thought.

"What does it suggest?" I ask, not sure what exactly Raina has gathered from this that I am missing.

"I think we should take a break," Mira says quite loudly, looking at Sky with a look I cannot decipher. Her brow furrows slightly, the action so minute it is nearly missed, as she continues staring.

"Are you okay Sky?" Ally asks, concern thick in her one.

"I'm fine. I think I just need to lie down," she says, still looking at Mira.

"You sit and chat with Andrea, I'll accompany Sky to her room," Mira says to me, finally looking at me as she gives me a small smile.

"Are you sure?" I ask Sky, her eyes finally meeting mine.

"Definitely. You guys haven't seen each other in ages. I don't need babysitting Dmitri. I'll be fine," she says, a whisp of a smile gracing her lips before she gets up.

"Shall we?" She says to Mira who rises, giving Andrea a peck on his cheek.

As Sky turns her back on me, Mira falling in step next to her as they head inside, I get the distinct feeling that something is not quite right.

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