Chapter 42 - Vampire

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"She just passed out. It happens. A first full shift is overwhelming," I say to Raina and Ally who are fussing over Sky as I place her on our bed back at my house.

Ivan arranged for a vehicle to fetch us from the forest as Sky and I had run so far away from the house that there was no way we would get back here quickly with me carrying her.

"What happened exactly?" Raina enquires, turning to look at me as my eyes stay glued to Sky's form. Luckily, Kira had the sense to organize a blanket as Sky had swiftly shifted back to her very naked human form when she passed out. Ivan had given me his shorts, leaving him running around butt-naked but at least he was around pack members and not two witches. I would touch base with them later and find out how the hunter was doing and if they managed to get any information out of him. Luckily Sky had not sucked him dry.

Seeing her like that, feeding on a piece of shit hunter, made my Lycan want to pounce on her. In a disturbing way, it held an erotic undertone for my Lycan. My mate, a strong female Lycan, taking control, almost the opposite of how Sky was. A side of the coin my Lycan could get off to. Though in no way did it diminish the attraction we both felt to her in her normal state. It was just different.

"Earth to Dmitri!" Raina says, her hand moving in front of my face as she tries to get my attention.

"I'm sorry. What were you saying?" I ask, the concern on Raina's face making me uneasy.

"What happened?" Raina asks once again, her hand gently prodding Sky's stomach.

"You saw her shift right? Not partially like before. This was a full shift. It was amazing." I smile, thinking back to how beautiful she looked. My Lycan was enthralled, his excitement still felt even now at the back of my psyche.

"And...," Raina prompts, her head shaking slightly from side to side as her brow furrows deeper.

"She scented blood from a long distance away. I couldn't even scent it. Her senses are amazing. We followed it and found a wounded hunter in the forest. Sky was overcome with... need, and the next minute she had him up against the wall. His throat in her mouth."

"She was feeding," Andrea says from his spot by the doorframe of the entrance to our room.

All the attention in the room is on him now. Feeding. Like a "vampire". The word slips out before I can shove it back in.

"I've seen that look before. She wasn't just killing prey. She was enjoying it." Andreas' words have us all looking back at Sky. "Her red eyes...newly born or newly changed vampires share the same trait. It only goes away after they are mature, three or four years. Until then, every time they feed, their eyes change to red. I've never seen anything like this."

"That explains why Sky's mate marks only leave two small scars instead of four. I thought maybe it was because she only partially shifted or something to that effect," Ally says, gesturing to the scars on my neck as she leans forward to take a closer look. Her brows furrow as she stares at the tiny dots littering the area around my neck.

The thought had never crossed my mind as I look over at the mirror across the room, what Ally was saying becoming more apprent. I just thought all mate marks looked different.

Ally moves back to Sky's side, the frown still on her face as she appears to be deep in through. These witches were acting stranger and stranger. Mira comes bursting in.

"Is she okay?" Mira asks as she approaches Sky's bed. She scans her body, her eyes lingering on Sky's stomach where Raina still has her hand resting before her eyes shoot up to meet Raina's. They stare at each other, some silent communication going on that I cannot decipher. What the fuck is going on here?

Movement from Sky has my attention shifting as I stare at her face. Instead of hazel doe eyes looking back at us, red eyes dart from my face to the two ladies beside me, relief on Sky's face as she recognizes us.

"What happened? Is everything okay with me?" Sky asks, her hands scanning her body as she assesses herself.

"Long story. How do you feel?" Raina asks as Sky sits up, pulling the blanket close so as not to flash anyone.

"I feel queasy but alright." Probably all the blood she has floating in her stomach, I think offhandedly. The thought of her enjoying feeding did not repulse me as I thought it would.

"Oh my god, I shifted. Like proper shifted." Sky's excitement is endearing, her face lighting up with a huge grin.

"I wish I had taken a picture. You looked magnificent," I tell her, squeezing her hand gently.

"Everything is so vivid and vibrant, and all your senses are functioning at one thousand percent. Is this how it is for you, Dmitri?" Sky asks me, the wonderment in her voice bringing a smile to my face.

"Yes, though I must say that after years of shifting, how you describe it makes me long for my first shift. As with everything, it eventually loses its magic once you do it often enough. Though, I must say, your senses seem even better than mine." As Sky is my mate, this didn't make me jealous, but had it been someone else, I might just have been.

Her smile slowly fades. I was wondering when the reality of what happened would come crashing down.

I mind-link Ivan, asking how the hunter is doing. His response, thankfully, is swift. The hunter was rushed to Dr. Andrews, his wound in his abdomen treated and stitched. He is stable. His blood tests came back showing low traces of wolfsbane. This explains why Sky passed out. There was no sign of other hunters in the area, but patrols had been tripled just to be sure.

"The hunter in the woods," Sky's slightly high-pitched voice has me breaking the mind-link with Ivan.

"Before you start panicking, Skylar, he is fine. He is at the hospital. Dr. Andrews has stopped the bleeding. There was a small amount of wolfsbane in his system, which is more than likely why you passed out." My words which I thought would have a calming effect, have the opposite as Sky suddenly stands up walking past us to the end of the bed.

"Bleeding. Blood. I was drinking his blood. Oh my god. What the fuck is happening to me." Her gaze lands on each of us before she turns, catching her reflection in the mirror.

"My eyes. What's happened to my eyes?" She asks, stepping towards the mirror before her hand flies to her mouth.

One minute she is standing there, the next we hear her in the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet. She must have teleported there.

We pile into the bathroom, tears streaming down Sky's face, her huddled figure over the toilet wiping at her mouth. Iam by her side in seconds, lifting her into my arms gently. Ally approaches quietly, her hand pushing the button on the toilet, as we watch the bloody contents of Sky's stomach disappear in a swirl.

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