Chapter 3 - Longing

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"So, there aren't any physical signs of trauma. You are a tad bit underweight but other than that you are healthy," Ally says, giving me a smile and a gentle squeeze of my hand. "Are you eating regularly?"

"I am," I say, looking away as I throw the half-lie at them. While I was eating, I was not able to finish what was on my plate, my appetite having diminished drastically as the days went by.

When I look back at them, I don't miss the look of pity they give each other before Ally gets up from her seat next to the bed, Raina taking the spot. Usually, I would be sitting on a clinic bed when this consultation took place but one of the spare beds in Dmitri's house would have to make do.

Ally and Raina had played a huge part in my recovery after The Incident, helping me put together a picture, from what they knew, of what had happened in my lost time.

"Let's talk about your newfound... abilities. So, apart from the fact that you can now hear and smell as well as any werewolf can, has anything else presented?" Raina asks, her tone much firmer than Ally's. While Ally is calm and makes one feel comfortable, Raina is all business.

"There is something new. I can move. Very fast. It has happened on two occasions, not something I seem to be able to control, just like everything else. I can't tell if I am physically moving from one point to another or if I am moving between points if that makes sense. One minute I am there and the next I am somewhere else. The other night I was in my bed lying awake and the next I was in the kitchen," I say, thinking back to how freaked out I was about the incident.

So freaked out apparently that I alerted Dmitri to the fact via out bond. The next minute one of his warriors, Dylan, was outside my door, knocking incessantly. He seemed to be genuinely concerned, his presence in my life almost leading to a forced friendship of sorts. Shrugging it off as nothing, I tried reigning in my feelings so that Dmitri would calm his shit down. This bond thing was nothing but infuriating.

"Okay, that is new," Raina says, looking at Ally.

"Anything else?" She asks as if all of that is not enough.

"Nothing else, thank goodness. Are we done? I want to leave." Without waiting for an answer, I hop off the edge of the bed, side-stepping Raina still sitting in the chair.

I hated being in this house. Too many horrible memories.

Raina gets up behind me, the firmness in her tone bringing me to a halt as I approach the door of the bedroom.

"Not quite. How are things between you and Dmitri?" I spin around, looking from Ally and Raina as they stand there, expectantly waiting for an answer to a question that has no answer.

"Fine. Peachy," I say, schooling my expression so as not to raise any concern.

"I doubt that. Not from what has been happening the last two days," Raina says, her arms crossing her chest, a look of doubt on her face.

"I don't know what you mean." I really had no idea what she was talking about. Perhaps Dmitri had said something?

"You have no idea what I'm talking about? Dmitri. Locked up in the basement downstairs. For two days. Did you even notice he wasn't around?" Raina asks me in an accusatory tone, her expression turning to anger.

"Of course I noticed, but I assumed he was off slaughtering something or working out. I don't keep tabs on him, Raina. We're both adults, we can do what we want. Well, most of us at least." The frustration of me not having the luxury of doing what I wanted, fueled the harsh tone of my words.

As much as I would never admit it out loud, I was intrigued as to why Dmitri had been locked up. That would explain the feeling of rage permeating our bond over the last couple of days, its intensity increasing at night.

"You're being unfair Sky. You are not the only one that was impacted by what happened. Do you know what happens when a wolf, much less a Lycan, isn't around their mate? They lose control, the human side becoming weaker. You pushing Dmitri away is hurting him. And you. But you won't admit it." I stay silent, Ally's words hitting a nerve I don't like being touched.

"He still has the memory of you. Do you not think it hurts him as much, to one minute be in the arms of someone he loves and then to be forgotten just as quickly. You are wallowing in your suffering when it's not just yours. If you bothered paying attention to him, just looked at him, you would see that he is in pain too."

Not wanting to acknowledge the words Ally says as true, I look away instead. My ego is in the way and the hurt and anger I feel are clouding me. I used to be able to see or at least try and see all sides. Now I was just consumed by the darkness that surrounded me. My empathy is hidden under mounds and mounds of stuff I didn't want to look at too closely.

Just as the silence starts becoming unbearable, Ally speaks.

"Have you at least tried talking to him Sky? Maybe if you just gave it a chance you would see Dmitri for the man you fell in love with."

"He doesn't want to talk to me. All I get through our bond is anger. If he is the reflection of our memories, then why is that all that is left?" I ask them, looking from Ally to Raina.

"It's probably his Lycan you are feeling. Or he could just be angry with the situation. If you guys actually spoke about things, maybe you could figure it out." Ally approaches me as she talks, pulling me gently in for a hug which I accept willingly. It has been months since I have had a hug. Since I have had any physical contact really.

"Try getting involved. It will also be good for you to go to the training. Kira is an excellent teacher," Raina says gruffly, walking past us to open the bedroom door, exiting the room.

Ally releases me and heads out the door, leaving me to my feelings and thoughts. What they were saying was not wrong. Shaking my head roughly, I try and clear my thoughts as I leave the room. Heading in the direction of the voices, my stomach clenches out of nervousness as I get to the lounge area. Dmitri stops talking, his eyes focused on me before he looks away abruptly, continuing his conversation with Raina. Ally walks over to me, handing me a cup of chamomile tea which I take gratefully, as I walk over to one of the brown couches in front of the fireplace and take a seat. The last time I was here, I had been sitting here naked with a blanket wrapped around me as Rene tried calming me down.

I can feel Dmitri's gaze on me, him and Raina off to my right. Once I can feel his gaze has turned back to Raina, I take the opportunity to look at him.

He is wearing a long sleeve blue shirt with the cuff buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to expose his muscular forearms. I allow my gaze to move up, taking in the scar emerging from the right collar of his shirt all the way up, disappearing into a thick off-white beard. It is more than a couple of days of growth. His matching hair is touching his collar and looks unruly, as he even now pushes his hand through it to keep it back off his face.

I take another sip of my tea, my head cocking to the side as I notice the dark marks under his eyes. I didn't think it was possible for werewolves or Lycans to sustain dark circles under their eyes with their healing abilities, but apparently I was wrong. He looked tired but I couldn't be sure. I couldn't remember what he looked like before and I hadn't really paid him much attention in these last six months while I was busy playing the avoidance game.

Sensing me staring he snaps his head to me, his unearthly green eyes unwavering in their directness. While he is confident in his direct gaze, I want to look away, out of embarrassment. But I don't. I continue staring back at him, also aware that my cheeks are turning red due to the current situation.

Raina is the one to break this trance we find ourselves in as she clears her throat, Dmitri's attention once again on her. I let go of the breath I have been holding, looking down at my cup as I wait for the flush on my cheeks to dissipate. What I feel coming through our bond has me looking right back up, his expressionless face talking to Raina giving nothing away of what's inside. Joy and longing.

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