Chapter 8 - The Lycan

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My Lycan senses her before I see her, his presence pushing forward forcefully, our battle for control creating some half man half animal creature, some of my clothes tearing under the strain. The sharp intake of breath just over the small ledge has me moving forward quickly as adrenaline floods my system, fear that Sky might have hurt herself making my heart beat faster.

We shouldn't have pushed her, but I was running out of options and just as I thought, the thing with Ruth had pushed her back into isolation. It had to stop. I called Benjamin to come over. Desperation had me calling him in as a last resort. Fuck only knows it would not have happened otherwise.

But the hurt I felt earlier and the words she had spoken about everyone and everything leaving made me think she was protecting herself with this behavior. At least in her mind she was doing that. All she was doing to me was driving me crazy. If she didn't put herself out there, she wouldn't get hurt. She also thought that she couldn't trust anyone, history not exactly doing us any favors there. She was painting me with the same brush though which I didn't appreciate.

I sidestep the root Sky's foot got hooked on before jumping over the ledge, nothing preparing me for what I see. There is no doubt the half-human half-Lycan crouched on the floor is Sky. Her flaming red hair is quite a mess, with bits of sticks in it from when she was running. Her hazel eyes are alert, staring at me intently, taking in my every move. While her flawless freckled face is still as smooth as ever, other parts I can see are covered in white fur. As white as being blinded by the sun when you accidentally look at it.

While a human might not find the sight of her particularly attractive as she is now, my Lycan was loving this. She stands upright, and I'm surprised to see that she has remained at her 5'5" height. When I shift, I can reach up to seven feet tall, depending on how much I allow. She was partially shifted and not changing in size which I had never seen or heard of before.

After the curse was broken her scent changed, still Sky but with a confusing mash-up of all supernaturals. Considering what I was seeing, I now wondered if that could be possible.

Her movement grounds me as I focus my concentration on her, noticing how she inhales deeply in my direction, her eyes closing as she does. A smile plays on her lips when her eyes open again, as she takes another step toward me. Our bond would be stronger in this form, the longing for each other overpowering. I give my Lycan more control, allowing him to physically close the distance between us. I drop to my knees, my height making eye contact almost impossible if I stand this close to her.

She places her small hands on my chest, moving them up and over my shoulders as she brings her face to the nape of my neck, her eyes closing again as she inhales. My nose finds the same spot on her neck, my tongue flicking out to lick the bite mark I gave her all those months ago. Arousal courses through her at the gesture and before I know what is happening, I feel her teeth sink into my neck.

She is marking me. And it feels exquisite. She remains latched onto me, drinking my blood as she moans, her hands pulling my body closer to her as I feel pleasure course through her.

The trance we are in is broken by branches snapping up above, Benjamin choking as he sees the two of us.

"What the fuck," he says softly, his eyes wide as saucers as he looks from me to Sky. Sky's pupils are dilated making her eyes appear almost black and she is making no attempt to detach herself from my body.

With my arm around Sky as she straddles my waist, I get up. Her mouth finds the spot on my neck as she licks the droplets of blood oozing from the pierce marks.

I make my way to where Benjamin is standing glued to his spot, eyeing him as I give him a silent head shake, warning him to keep his mouth shut.

"Go get Raina and Ally," is all I say, before heading back to Sky's house.

Luckily her lack of direction led us in a circle, and placed us quite close to her house, a straight walk throwing us out on the other side of her porch.

We walk up the porch stairs and into her place. Sky's bedroom is towards the back of the house, one I was entering for the first time only now. It felt like a violation, especially considering in her human form she would probably not want me in here, but I could feel the exhaustion in her and knew any minute she would probably pass out.

I lay her down gently on the patchwork quilt she has covering her bed, the various colors making me smile as I remember her kitchen in her old house. The multicolored tiles were similar in design. Her hair is sprawled out on the pillow, and her eyes are looking back at me with contentment I have not seen for ages. It pulls at my heart. I lean forward, kissing her forehead as I smooth some strands down.

Her hand moves up gently, a finger tracing the scar running from my jaw down my neck. She palms my cheek, the look in her eye needing something from me that I don't want to admit to seeing. Not until her other hand moves to my neck, pulling me forward gently. She stops pulling, no more encouragement needed as my lips meet hers. My chest explodes with an array of emotions, like an artist throwing various paints onto a canvas. Pulling one apart from another would be impossible.

The kiss is gentle, her tongue outlining my lips before our mouths part as we explore. It is like kissing for the first time. It's gentle and sweet and there is no rush. Time fades.

She pulls back, shifting up on the bed to make room for me, pulling me to lie down next to her. My arm under her head, she tucks herself against my huge body, her hand on my chest. Within minutes she is asleep, followed closely by myself, the months of restlessness dripping off me as I enter the best sleep I have had since the last time we lay together.

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