Chapter 52 - Elsabeth

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So many strange things have happened since meeting Sky that I should be immune, yet seeing the purple eyes staring back at me from a witch I have known for years is frankly disturbing. Everything about Raina, even her physical appearance to a degree, is different. Changed. Elsabeths presence in her body is palpable, the power emanating from the ethereal form currently hijacking Raina's physical body is fighting a war with my own primal power. My Lycan wants to come out and play. Show his dominance.

"Calm down Dmitri. This is temporary. I will not be able to sustain this connection for long," Elsabeths purple eyes assess me, roaming my frame from top to bottom before a smile appears on her face.

"I can see why she loves you," Elsabeth says, a small smile playing on her lips. "The vision I had all those years ago doesn't do you justice."

"What exactly did you see all those years? Is this what you envisioned? Skylar taken by some fucking psychotic wizard who has been fucking with her life, our life for years? He stole her memories. Our memories. She is pregnant for fucks sake. You could have left us something better than a fucking Legend." The words are harsh, causing Elsabeths purple eyes to pull into slits, as she stands up. Purple flames flick off her hands which are balled at her side.

"Be careful Dmitri. I am on your side, for now. If you don't want my help I can leave. Let's see how you find Skylar then." Ally quickly gets up, a gentle hand on my arm as she tries to calm the situation down.

"I'm sorry Elsabeth. Dmitri doesn't know the nature of visions or the rules our kind have surrounding them. Please understand that it has been a stressful time for all of us." Ally looks from Elsabeth back to me, a gentle tug on my arm pulling me toward the door of Sky's cabin.

"Witches cannot interfere with fate Dmitri. It's one of the oaths we make. As sacred as the oaths you make when binding. Interfering could create a future even more catastrophic. You need to calm down. We need Elsabeth and we need you. She wields both Raina and her own magic in this form, which is not just a warning to you but a reminder that her power sits on our side. Where we need it." Ally's words pierce through my anger, reminding me of the position we are currently in. Not knowing where my pregnant mate is.

"Fine. I'll play nice," I say to her as my gaze locks with Elsabeths.

"Okay. Now. Let's get started. Once Gael understands that it Sky is also a key and that your unborn child is the tribrid holding all that power, there is no question what he will do." Elsabeths words have all of us looking at each other, the realization of the meaning of the Legends words now fully sinking in.

Fuck, I was stupid. It just never crossed my mind that it was referring to a baby. Conception has never happened in all of history between a human and a Lycan. How will Sky's body even handle the growth and birth of one of ours? Lycan babies were bigger than the normal human newborn and werewolf and Lycan advanced healing was required during the birthing process to prevent a bleed out.

A shiver runs down my spine at the thought of losing Sky in such a way. It would truly be a double edged sword. As I take a minute to actually dwell on the fact that we we could have a baby, the elation I feel is beyond verbal expression. It was like trying to explain my love for Skylar to someone. Words were not in existence to vocalize that overwhelming emotion.

"We will get them back," Andrea says as he approaches me, giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze. He can read me like a book.

"Let's begin. The spell to find Gael and to pierce the black magic hiding him requires something belonging to him. A hair, some item of his." Elsabeth says to the room in general, as she sits back down in front of the table.

"Here, this should work," Ally says, holding out a white cloth with some red fibers on top. "I saved it in case we needed it for something like this."

"What is it?" Mira asks, all of us approaching to get a better look.

"Gael's blood. I cut out some of the fibers from your carpet Dmitri. Sorry," Ally says, her face scrunching up apologetically.

"It's a blessing really that Sky headbutted him. When I saw all the blood I thought it might come in use. Call it witches intuition." I could just hug this woman. Thank fuck we had these people on our side else we might be truly fucked.

"That's even better than I hoped. Blood is a powerful ingredient to any spell. I actually might be able to do something else with this," Elsabeth says as she takes the cloth, adding some of the fibers to a small cauldron that has appeared out of nowhere on the table in front of her.

Leaning forward I see she has already placed the herbs that were included among the items left by Sky's parents to the murky liquid, the purple petals from the rare flowers just visible. Next, she pours in a little of the blood from the vile also left to Sky, blood we know to be Elsabeths own. The liquid pouring out is however not red but a deep purple, matching the old witch's eyes. As she pours it in it pulls towards her, curving, as it senses its owner nearby, like a magnet.

"Brace yourself. In order to penetrate black magic and find Gael, I must access it," Elsabeth says, looking at all of us as we contemplate what she is saying. Just being here would mean that all of us could be locked up by The High Council, the practice or any association with black magic illegal.

"Anyone who wants to leave now is the time. You all know what this could mean for you," I say, my eyes meeting with all of theirs as I speak.

A minute goes by and no one moves.

"We all know the risks, Dmitri. We will not leave you or Sky alone in this," Andrea says, Ally and Mira nodding in agreement.

"Well, now that that's settled let's begin. Brace yourself." Elsabeths words barely leave her mouth when a dark mist appears close to the floor, her hand moving in the air as her eyes roll back in her head.

Words flow from her mouth, a language I am unfamiliar with echoing around the room eerily. The black mist starts swirling up into a small tornado, inverted as the tip arches to touch Elsabeths open palm. We take a step back as the swirling blackness increases in intensity, some light objects around the room flying towards it before disappearing into the smoky nothingness. With one final verse shouted from Elsabeth the small black tornado bursts, dissipating into thin air and leaving only a small black tar-like substance on Elsabeths open palm. She curls her hand into a fist, holding it above the cauldron so that the black substance drips into it, hissing as the liquids meet each other.

Elsabeth shuts her eyes tightly before opening them again, their strange purple back to normal.

"It will make you sick, but it must be you who drinks it Dmitri. There was rhyme and reason that Skylar's mate was a Lycan. It has led to this point. A Lycans healing ability surpasses all others. It is part of the reason you were bound to her. No other could do what is required now. Not even the strongest witch. Other than the yet-to-be-born Tribrid," Elsabeth says, holding the small cauldron out to me as she speaks.

"Before you drink it, you need to relay a message to Skylar. The necklace, the one her parents gave her. When she is ready she must repeat the word 'revelare'. It will show her the way. That is the last thing I can do to help her and you. Once you drink that, the connection I have to this body is severed. You will have roughly ten minutes then you must return. Are you ready?"

Without hesitation, I take it, knocking the contents back in one fell swoop. I would do anything for Skylar. If this is what was needed then so be it. The pain creeps up slowly and then crushes my body like a vice. Falling to the ground I feel my bones cracking and breaking, the pain beyond even that of my first shift. The intensity is such that it shuts me down, forcing me to recede from it in the only way out I can see, the dark tar-like substance in the peripheral of my vision. Touching it with my mind I am immediately transported, all pain left behind. And what I see is my love. My Skylar.

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