Chapter 24 - Awkward

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Who the fuck keeps knocking.

"Um, they are not waking up," someone whispers, recognition settling in as I become more conscious. The voice belongs to Rene.

"Knock again," another whispered voice comes from further away. Ivan.

"Oh my god Dmitri." Sky's panicked voice has my eyes flying open immediately.

I look down into hazel eyes, embarrassment on her face as her hand goes to her mouth, stifling more mumbled words.

We are lying in the back seat of her jeep. Naked. She is sprawled out on my chest as I lie propped slightly up against the door. And the whole place smells like sex. Rightly so, as last night continued into the early morning. Once we started, we just couldn't seem to stop. We couldn't get enough of each other.

I just hoped that in the light of day, Sky didn't regret anything and that she didn't resent me.

I look over at the side window where Rene is peering into the back seat, her fist poised to knock on the window again when her eyes meet mine. She smiles, lowering her hand.

"You're awake," she says, and then more loudly, "they're awake!"

"Geez, we thought something had happened to you. It's like eleven o'clock in the morning. Um, I brought you guys some clothes. I'll leave it on...," she looks around, her eyes taking in the devastation all around, as they settle back on mine. "I'll leave it on the ground here."

She bends down, dropping the clothing on the floor before she disappears, the shed door closing as the room once again goes dark. Sky has been lying quietly on my chest, not moving an inch as she cups her mouth.

"Wow, um, this is super awkward," she says, between her fingers, "I basically just flashed Rene my ass."

"It's a nice ass so I don't see the problem," I say, trying to make light of the situation, and eliciting a grin from her which I can just make out behind her hand.

My hands are on her back, caging her in while we slept. I dare not move them, the feel of her body on mine already doing things to me. If my hands started exploring her body now, we would never leave this shed.

"Um...close your eyes, I'm going to get some clothes on," she says nervously, her words making me laugh.

"I've seen and tasted every inch of you Skylar, it's a bit late for that." Her face flushes red as she looks to the side.

"I know, um, I'm just feeling a bit shy, that's all." She looks back at me, her eyes pleading for understanding.

I laugh, obliging as I close my eyes. She pushes off my body as I move my legs so that she can sit on the chair next to me. She opens the door, the fresh air coming in a stark contrast to the warm air in the jeep. She climbs out and moments later I hear fabric moving before she says, "Okay, I'm done."

She is wearing a simple blue summer dress, one I have seen her in before.

She is holding my clothes in her hands, a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. I scoot towards the door, exiting while she takes a couple of steps back. She averts her gaze, her hand holding the clothes shooting out towards me. I don't take them immediately, looking at her side profile while she stands there. Her hair is a beautiful mess hanging past her shoulders, and the flush on her cheeks makes her look younger than she is. I smile, her innocence a stark contrast to how she was last night.

She glances at me quickly before looking away, a small smile playing on her lips. I take the clothes and she turns around, her hand dropping to the side as she fiddles with two small strings that hang off the front of her dress.

Once dressed, I take a look around. Broken shelves and tipped-over closed paint cans and tools are strewn on the floor. Since the curse has been broken, Sky has become stronger, something that filtered through to her lovemaking. We had gotten a little rough, something she seemed to like as much as me being gentle.

"I'll get someone to come and fix the shelves and put everything back in order." She turns around, the words a sign to her that I must be finished getting dressed.

"How are you feeling? I didn't hurt you?" I ask her quietly, reaching out to lift her arm when I notice a bite mark on her bicep.

"No more than I did you," she says, pointing to my neck as she looks away in embarrassment. Reaching up, I feel three bite marks littering my neck, their small holes almost healed.

"How is that even possible? I could feel my teeth grow." The confusion is clear, concern on her face causing frown lines to crease her brows.

"I'm not sure Skylar. I don't know what is happening to you but we will figure it out. And this," I say, pointing to the bite marks on my neck, "it's nothing. Don't worry about it. I liked it actually."

The smile I give her has her face turning a shade of red as she looks away, a small smile she is trying hard to suppress causing dimples on her cheeks.

"How are you feeling?" I ask again, hoping she isn't having any regrets.

"I feel good actually. Better than earlier last night," she lifts a hand to her head, "and my fever seems to be gone. The heat must be over."

"Do you regret what happened between us?" No point in beating around the bush. I needed to know if she was upset about what happened last night.

She hesitates, her face studying mine as I stand there waiting, hoping that this doesn't set us back.

"No Dmitri, I don't regret last night. It was amazing."

I release the breath I have been holding, the small shy smile on her face all the convincing I need. I was just glad that her marking me didn't cause some catastrophic event, like the time I marked her and she lost her memories, I think bitterly.

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Hey ya all, so finally these two are making progress! Lets see where this takes them. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas :)

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