Chapter 20 - Desire

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"Like a dog. I'm going through heat like a bitch does?" Her tone is incredulous, and I'm surprised that after everything, something like this could seem too far-fetched for her to comprehend.

"Um, something similar. Ally might have some medicine that may help." We have pulled into pack land, but the fact that we stay outside of town on the other side of where we are is adding precious minutes to the clock.

Sky's scent is getting stronger, and my arousal is now only thinly contained, my eyes battling between black and green. We drive in silence for a while, both of us fighting internal battles of our own.

"Is that why you smell nicer than usual?" She leans forward unconsciously, breathing in deeply as her eyes close. The scent of her arousal mingles in the air, mixing with the pheromones that are already making me heady.

Realizing this, she snaps her eyes open, pulling as far back in the opposite direction.

"Believe me, you smell as...appealing to me," I say, looking at her briefly before flooring it down the long dirt road which takes us past my old house, my new house, and towards Sky's home at the end.

We finally make it to Sky's house, the headlights and porch light framing the group of people sitting and standing outside. Ivan is pacing in front of the house while Rene, Ally, and Raina are seated on the porch chairs. They all rise, quickly moving to the car with concern. Before we can get out, Raina is at Sky's window.

"Is everything okay, you had me worried when you didn't reply to my text." Not waiting for a response, she pulls back slightly, her hand going to Sky's forehead.

"Fuck, I can feel the heat coming off of you, what the fuck is going on Dmitri?" Raina asks, almost in an accusatory tone though I know her well enough to know it is merely concern.

"Sky is going through her first heat," I respond, strained. "I think you should get her inside."

"Ally," I call out to her, her face appearing next to Raina's by the window. "You must have some sort of medication to help with a heat?"

"Well, not the kind of medication you have," she says quietly and without amusement. She is dead serious.

"What medicine does he have?" Sky asks, looking from Raina, Ally, and then to me before looking back at Ally. Oh, my fucking hell this woman is naïve.

"You know," Ally says blushing, her head inclining in the direction of the bulge in my pants.

I quickly drop my hands which have been tightly gripping the steering wheel, but not in time. Sky's face turns beetroot red as she realizes what Ally is talking about.

"Oh! Okay. I see... I mean I don't see!" she says too loudly and quickly, looking away from me as she continues rambling, "I didn't see, I didn't see anything."

Ally and Raina are looking at her, smiles on their faces as they watch her try and dig herself out of this awkward situation. Raina looks like she wants to burst out laughing which has me trying to hide a grin in return.

"As much as I am enjoying this, and I am, let's get you inside and see how we can...sort you out," she says, winking at Sky who glares at her. Ally nudges her in the side teasingly, smiling a reassuring smile at Sky.

"You go ahead, I need a minute," I say, my face not reflecting the struggle I was currently experiencing.

"Your eyes are changing color," Sky says, pointing at them as she talks, confusion on her face.

"He is struggling to control himself Sky. He can probably smell your heat and it's driving him nuts," Raina says.

"You can smell me," Sky says quietly, more to herself than to anyone.

"I can smell you, Skylar," I say looking away, the words bringing back so many memories she cannot remember. The time on the private jet when I had jacked off to thoughts of her in the bathroom. Fuck, I would no doubt be doing that somewhere nearby soon if she didn't leave.

"Let's give him some relief from this torture," Raina says as she opens the door, Sky climbing out before turning to face me.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay Dmitri?" Her concern for me is sweet and sincere, her brow knitting together with the emotions.

"I'm fine. I just need a minute. Raina will get hold of me if you need me. I will be around here somewhere." I give her a reassuring smile which she must buy as she slams the door shut.

They head towards the house as Rene gives Ivan a kiss before walking towards Sky, a huge smile on her face. They hug and Rene pulls back, her hand running up and down Sky's arms with concern before she puts a palm on her face. Shortly thereafter they enter her house while Ivan comes sauntering up to the car.

My hands grip the steering wheel once again, my head dropping to rest on my forearms. That was pure and utter torture. It still was. The car still holds Sky's scent, yet instead of leaving, I remain. Probably because my member has remained stiff, and it looked like it had no plan to unstiffen any time soon.

"That bad hey?" Ivan's voice travels to me from the passenger side window. There is barely restrained humor in his voice as he leans against the window frame of the door.

"Is this how it is for you when Rene goes into heat?"

While I had been around many females in the pack when they were in heat, it had never made me this animalistic before. When I read books about the mating process and female heat, the words used to describe the feelings the mated male goes through now seem wholly lacking. This was nothing like the books depicted. More intense and more mental in my opinion.

"If you mean feeling like you have popped ten Viagra's and ingested one million oysters, then yes. Yes, that is how it feels." He starts laughing, even more so when I lift my head and look at him, my pained expression apparently amusing.

"Come, let's go for a run. It usually helps me release some steam when I'm all...wound up," he says, pushing away from the car, his eyes still watery from laughing.

Getting out I am aware of the hard-on still raging in my pants. As I'm about to strip, Ivan halts my progress, his laughter close to the surface.

"Unless you aim to sheath your sword in poor Sky over there," he says, pointing to Sky's house, "I suggest we move further away before you shift. Your Lycan is more sensitive to her smell when she is in heat and might find it difficult to control the need to create mini-Dmitri's."

Fuck, I knew that, but my mind was so muddled with Sky's pheromones that I wasn't thinking straight.

Giving Ivan a thankful smile, we head further away before I strip, letting my Lycan take over.

The howl leaving my body echoes in every corner of the forest, the need in it unmistakable.

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