Chapter 17 - Date Night

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"So, where are you taking me?" Sky is looking at me from the passenger seat of my car, her voice a tad bit nervous as she asks the question.

I, on the other hand, am trying to keep my lust in check and keep my eyes on the road. When I arrived at her house to fetch her for our date as planned yesterday, the vision I had been graced with when she opened the door almost hurt my eyes.

She messaged me during the day to ask me what the theme of the night was in terms of outfit. While the location of where I was taking her to was wild, the theme for tonight was elegant, which I conveyed to her. I wanted her to dress up for a change and feel special.

And dress up she did. She was wearing a beautiful pale peach lace dress, the bodice tight over her breasts before tapering slightly out from the waist down to the floor. The lace sleeves are long and have a delicate ribbon closing the sleeve edges tight around her wrists. Her hair is braided down her back, with dread cuffs on display as the braid sections intertwine with each other. Her long wavy fringe frames her face, which is makeup free as usual. The only embellishment is the light see-through lip balm and the bit of mascara accentuating her hazel eyes. She looks delicious.

"Dmitri? Everything okay?" she asks after I have not immediately answered her question.

"Sorry Skylar," I say, looking at her briefly, "my mind was somewhere else. Where I'm taking you is a surprise. But I think you will love it."

We had already been on the road for about ten minutes, both of us silent, soft music in the background keeping the silence bearable. We are both nervous. We can both feel it. This is the first date we have been on since The Incident.

After driving for another ten minutes, I pull off the road to take a dirt road which few know is here. Many would continue driving, unaware of what lies ahead. Sky looks at me curiously, before her eyes dart around, taking in the forest on either side of us. She has a smile on her face which is a good sign. The area we are in actually belongs to Andrea, who would often come here when he needed time away from the city or his castle. He had been more than willing to let me use this for tonight.

The forest starts getting thicker, indicating that the time was near when we would have to stop and make it on foot the rest of the way. A couple more feet and we stop, the path now becoming impossibly narrow for a vehicle.

"This is us," I say, shutting the engine off. "We walk from here. It's not too far."

I get out of the car, quickly making my way to Sky's door. Opening it, I take her hand, helping her out of the car before shutting it again. We were slightly early so I just prayed that everything would be ready. Some of the members of the pack had offered to get the place set up and Levi had put together the food, the same meal he had prepared that night over six months ago. It wasn't that I was trying to recreate that night but maybe, just maybe, Sky would remember something from back then. Something good. I wanted to leave her tonight with only good memories.

"Mmmm, I don't think my shoes were the right choice for this," Sky says laughing, one hand gripping the hem of her dress to make sure it doesn't drag on the floor.

"I never intended for you to walk," I counter, taking advantage of the one hand of hers I am grasping to pull her close to me before I lift her bridal style in my arms.

With the lights from the vehicle off, no normal person would be able to see anything. Luckily, we weren't normal. I was able to see the look of surprise on her face, followed by a small smile as a blush creeps up her neck and sits on her perfect cheeks.

We start walking in the direction the car was headed, her body relaxing with every step. She leans her head back, the view of the stars magnificent in this area as there are no lights.

"A shooting star!" she says, pointing up at the sky. She is smiling a huge smile, one that reaches her gorgeous eyes, which reminds me of how she was before, when I first met her and she owned Sky's Naturals. The same look of awe and excitement on her face as it sometimes was back then.

We get to the edge of the brush, my leg pushing past a bush as we enter a small clearing.

Sky gasps as she sees the big glass dome bubble in the middle, the platform it was built on elevated about half a meter off the ground. Soft light illuminates the table with two chairs inside, a large day bed on one side looking inviting with a fluffy blanket and pillows decorating it. On the other side are two armchairs and a small bookshelf in the middle. There are two smaller bubbles attached to the side that are not see-through. The bathroom and change area I assume. This was the first time I was coming here.

"Wow, Dmitri. This place is breathtaking." Sky continues, the look of awe on her face intensifying as she gets closer to the structure.

I walk up the steps, holding the glass door open for her so that she can enter.

"Oh my god, this is like a dream." Sky is walking around the small room, her hand touching the furniture as she moves around. She looks up, taking in the view before her eyes come back to mine.

Approaching the table, I see there are plates covered with lids, the aroma of the meal making my mouth water. Sky approaches as I pull a chair out for her, her eyes roaming the table with delight.

"You arranged all this," she states in disbelief, her eyes moving from mine to the table as she takes a seat.

"I wanted tonight to be special. For you, it is our first date and I want it to be memorable. In a good way of course."

Taking my seat, I grab the bottle of wine, which is in the cooler next to the table, chilled to perfection. Sky removes the lid on her meal, reaching over and removing mine as well while I pour us some wine. After putting the lids on the small tray next to the table she takes the glass I offer.

"To us," I say, our glasses clinking in the middle of the table, our eyes locked together. Her stomach rumbling has her breaking eye contact, her face returning to the shade of red from earlier.

"Shall we eat?" The smile on my face is returned by hers as she picks up her fork and digs into her meal.

We eat and talk about the book and the progress of the translation thereof, a topic which is quickly exhausted, the lack of progress not aiding in our discussion. The nervousness from before starts fading as time goes on, the wine a contributor to the relaxed atmosphere.

Sky is leaning back in her chair, her hand on her stomach as she sighs. "I'm so stuffed. That was so good I ate long after I was full." She is laughing, a sound I wish I could record. It has been so long since I've heard it.

"I remember you saying that same thing to me when we were on a date before. You said you preferred smaller portions when the food is good else you became like a puppy who would just keep eating and eating." I laugh, thinking back to the memory.

"Exactly!" she says, her laugh fading as she looks out the glass window next to us.

"I wish I could remember things you said to me." Her voice breaks as she says the words, my heart aching for not only her loss but mine.

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