Chapter 19 - Heat

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"Dmitri, are you okay?" Skylar sounds alarmed, the struggle to keep my Lycan back a real test of my control.

Shaking my head, I remind myself that she is just getting used to me and this behavior would do nothing but scare her. These words and the fear of driving her away, successfully win out against my animal.

"I'm sorry. Don't be scared, I was just having a moment." To reassure her, I look at her and give her a smile, one she only returns with a look of disbelief.

"Ready?" Not waiting for her to answer, I carry her towards the entrance that leads back into the forest area, towards where the vehicle is parked.

The heat from her body is engulfing me, and I can see her trying to remove the beads of sweat from her face inconspicuously. Her face is flushed, and her mouth is dry, her continued swallowing a sign of her thirst.

I need to get her home as soon as possible and get Raina or Ally to help her. Me being around her now was the last thing that was needed. The reason for her sudden illness had crossed my mind earlier, the symptoms she was experiencing aligned with the start of something she was about to experience for the first time. I could only assume triggered by her marking me. The reason was confirmed when the smell of her perspiration hit my nostrils seconds ago, as it was now. Pheromones carried in the scent, calling my Lycan forward. Sky was going into heat.

If I stayed around her the chances of me being able to resist the scent as it got stronger were probably close to zero.

Before we know it, we are at the car, Sky unphased, if not thankful even that my pace had been swift. I place her on the ground by the passenger side of the car, the inferno created by her skin clearly noticeable as the cool night air chills my chest and arms.

"Um, fuck, I think I left a sweat mark on your shirt. I'm so sorry. This is embarrassing. I'm not sure what's wrong with me." She doesn't hold my gaze but looks away, her hand that was patting the small wet patch on my shirt dropping.

If she only knew about all the wetness we previously experienced on numerous occasions, this one would be classified as child's play. A small growl escapes my throat as visions of her riding my fingers pop into my mind.

"Do not apologize and don't feel embarrassed. I love everything about you, Skylar. Everything. So this," I say pointing dismissively at my shirt, "is nothing."

She looks up at me and I smile at her as I open the car door, taking her heated hand to assist her inside. She smiles, the relief on her face replacing the embarrassment as I gently nudge the way I feel about her down the bond.

Rounding the other side of the vehicle, I quickly text Raina, telling her to meet me at Sky's place asap and to bring Ally and her medicine. I also tell her to get Ivan and Rene to meet me there. Rene recently went through her heat and would be able to guide Sky through hers. I don't wait for the reply before I get into the car, strapping in before starting the vehicle. As careful as I can be while still being fast, we make our way back to the main road.

Sky has opened the window, the cool breeze circulating in the car. She is fidgeting, her hand dabbing her face every now and again. I am grateful the window is open, the thought of being packed in tight with the smell of her pheromones is more a thought of torture than pleasure.

"Oh, I forgot. There is a bottle of water rolling around behind my seat that I bought this morning, if you are thirsty?"

She leans between the middle of the seats, her shoulder brushing my arm.

Don't do it. The thought goes through my mind but is ignored as a lean to the side slightly and inhale deeply. Fuck. She smells so good. My hands tighten around the steering wheel as my erection tightens in my pants. I shift uncomfortably, trying to create some space for the monster rising below. Not having sex for months meant my sex drive was in overdrive. If we were ever intimate again, I worried I would only last a couple of seconds.

"Ahh, got it!" Sky says, resuming her previous position, bottle in hand.

She gulps the entire liter down, gasping for breath at the end. She takes a couple more breaths, her body leaning towards me as she does.

"Wow, firstly, you smell really...nice for lack of a better word. Anything else would probably not be appropriate. Yummy or delicious makes it sound like I wanna snack on you. Second, I have no idea why I'm so thirsty. Thirdly, I feel really hot and bothered, like my energy is buzzing under my skin. I don't know what was in that wine but wow wee." She is rambling on, her hand fanning her face as she talks, the grin she gives me cute and innocent. When our eyes meet briefly, I notice hers are dilated. They look almost black.

I have to tell her what's going on. She should be prepared.

"So, Skylar, I think I know what's going on with you," I say hesitantly.

Her words from days ago about the way I deliver news have made me re-think how I relayed new information to her. I was going to try and be tactful.

But how do you tell the woman you love that because they partially turned into a Lycan and marked you they more than likely triggered their first heat? Heat being an unnaturally strong desire to mate with your significant other. And that probably until you do this, you would suffer from arousal that would eventually become uncomfortable and even painful for some. Some heat lasted for days.

"What is it, Dmitri? What's happening to me?" She sounds scared.

"It's nothing to worry about, Skylar. So don't be afraid as Raina and Ally will help you through this and I will be there if you need me." I look at her briefly, my words not making her any more comfortable. Shit.

"So what is it, Dmitri?" She asks again, her eyes still glued to my face, her body now angled towards me as she shifts in the passenger seat.

"You're going through your first heat." 

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Mmmmm, things are heating up between our lovers :) Stick with me people, its going to get hot in here!

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