Chapter 6 - Training

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I was currently watching Sky and a new addition to our pack called Ruth practice the basic block and attack moves I had shown them earlier, Sky picking up the moves surprisingly quickly. Much quicker than some of the others who had a couple of weeks on her.

I almost laughed when we pulled up in front of this gym forty-five minutes ago, her expectation of how we trained somewhat warped. I think she thought that there would be large beasts running around in wolf form tackling each other. While that did happen, it rarely happened in this training area where we worked on general cardio, weightlifting, kickboxing, yoga, and spinning, basically all the amenities you would get at a regular gym. More advanced training was held for the warriors but that took place in a warehouse conversion down the road.

Sky had been nervous initially. The others knew who she was and were curious about her. Considering this was her first real interaction with the White Claw Packs town, she was bound to draw attention. Not to mention the way her tight leggings cupped her perfect ass, which bounced around as she replicated the moves shown to her earlier. I look away as she looks at me, reminding myself to take it slow and that she can feel what I feel through the bond.

Feeling calmer, I look back at Sky and Ruth, Ruth hunched over holding her stomach as Sky rubs her back. I walk over quickly, the panic Sky feels driving my footsteps.

"What's wrong with her?" I ask, approaching the women, only Sky looking at me as I reach them.

"I'm so sorry, I punched her. I didn't think it was that hard, but she is struggling to breathe," Sky says softly, trying not to draw attention to us.

"Ruth, can you stand upright?" I ask her, putting a reassuring hand on her back.

She shakes her head no, my concern growing when I lean down to look at her, her face pale and lips turning purple.

I mind-link Dr. Andrews, who luckily runs a practice just across the road from here. We positioned it purposefully like that so that he was close enough to the warehouse and here, as well as being central to town. It was fitted with everything we needed to avoid going to hospitals. For obvious reasons.

Sky is standing nervously on the side as a crowd starts gathering, a chair placed behind Ruth so that she can sit. Werewolves are able to heal quickly so it was surprising that Ruth was not bouncing back as fast as she should be. She was also wheezing quite a lot.

Dr. Andrews arrives five minutes later, his ambulance pulling up to the front of the gym. He rushes in, followed by two nurses carrying a stretcher. He is always prepared. His serious features assessing in their nature whether it is towards a patient or not. I also think the fact that not many serious injuries take place in the pack makes this an exciting excursion for him. His face would never admit it though.

They lay Ruth on the stretcher carefully, the doctor listening to her chest as one of the nurses measure her pulse, their mental mind-link with each other seen from the looks they pass.

"We'll take her to my rooms. She needs an x-ray. Pop past shortly and I'll let you know the verdict," he says, the two nurses already wheeling Ruth towards the door.

I look over at Sky who is standing quietly to the side, her left hand covering her right wrist. Our bond is not needed to tell me how she is feeling, the guilt on her face easy to read.

Her eyes do not meet mine as I stop in front of her. I look around, making sure no one is within hearing distance.

"What happened Skylar? Whatever it is you can tell me," I say, putting my finger under her chin as I force her gaze upwards. She is crying, the tears dripping off the tip of her chin onto the mat under our feet.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I was looking at you and she caught me off guard, tried to punch me, not even out of hostility, just in jest, and then I punched her. I felt the power move from my wrist through me as I did. It felt like it wasn't even me doing it. I didn't mean to do it," she says, a sob racking her body as she looks away.

I pull her towards me, hugging her towards my side as I guide her toward a room at the back of the gym. It was an office Kira, Ivan, and I used that was currently empty.

Closing the door behind us, I guide her to a chair as I get her some water and a clean towel from the shelf. With no tissues in sight, it will have to do.

"Use this, there are no tissues," I say, handing her the towel and the polystyrene cup of water.

She dabs her face with the towel and then takes a sip of the water.

"You didn't do it on purpose Skylar so stop beating yourself up. I'm sure she will be fine. I also mind-linked Ivan to bring Ally and Raina to the Docs rooms so if it is anything serious, they will know what to do," I say, perching on the side of the desk as I look at Sky, her face blotchy from crying.

We sit like that for a while, Sky gaining her composure as time ticks on, her face less red.

"Thank you, Dmitri. I'm fine now. Let's head over and see how she is doing." As we exit the room, Raina appears through the entrance of the gym doors, the frown on her face fading as she sees us.

"Well, Sky. I'm glad to see you are out and about," Raina says, smiling at Sky, genuinely happy to see her here. She has expressed her concern on numerous occasions about Sky isolating herself.

"Look, don't let this put you off training or coming out okay. And Ruth will be fine. You just cracked some ribs and punctured her lung. But she is already healing," Raina says, patting Sky's arm. She does not know how to show comfort or affection to anyone other than Ally, which makes this display so awkward.

"Wow, only cracked some ribs and punctured a lung. You say it like that isn't serious enough already," Sky says, sarcasm in her tone as she folds her arms defensively.

"It's bad but she will be fine, and you didn't do it on purpose, did you?" Raina says, a frown on her face.

"Of course not," Sky says vehemently.

"So then, no problem. Dmitri, can I talk to you privately, pack business," she says, looking from me to Sky.

"Here are the keys for the car. I'll be out in a second." I hold the keys out to Sky which she promptly takes, walking out of the place as if it's on fire.

"What happened exactly?" She asks, looking around to check if anyone is around. I explain the situation, the completion thereof leaving her in silence as she ponders what I have said.

"She needs to learn to control her powers and I'm not sure if this is the right place to do it. At the same time, I'm not sure if going somewhere new is the right choice either. Let me think about it, and see if I can figure something out. In the meantime, let her train with more skilled warriors. Ones that can withstand a punch." She winks at me before turning around and leaving.

I just hoped this situation didn't force Sky back into her shell.

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