Chapter 10 - Discovery

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"Fourteen hours. We slept, and you guys left us sleeping, for fourteen hours?" Sky says to Raina in disbelief, the cup in her hand shaking lightly from lack of food and probably her sugar dropping.

"Both of you needed it and when we saw you lying together all cozy, we decided that was the right decision. You feel better, don't you?" Raina asks, her hand resting on Ally's leg unconsciously.

"I mean, I do but that's not the point. Anyway, enough about that. Do you know what's wrong with me?"

I head into her kitchen, leaving Sky standing in the corner of her lounge, Rain, and Ally sitting on the couches available while Benjamin waits outside. I open the cupboards, their emptiness more than irritating me. Looking in the fridge is like looking into an abyss of emptiness. Milk and some cheese are the only things saving this fridge from being regarded as useless. I pop some toast into the toaster, with butter and grated cheese the only topping available. I would have to remedy this food situation. Or lack thereof.

Throughout this time, I am listening to the conversation taking place a couple of meters away.

"It could be what the curse was hiding Sky, we're just not sure. What's happening to you is unheard of and for the time being we need to keep it under wraps. If the High Council gets wind of this, it may not end well. You know how much those Elders resist change or anything beyond what they perceive as normal," Ally says gently.

There is a long silence in the room as Ally's words are digested. We all knew how steeped in tradition the Elders were. Those old bastards would have a field day tearing this situation apart. The only saving grace we had was that Andrea was now an elder and part of The High Council. I hoped he could bring about the change that was needed to bring The High Council into the twenty-first century but the process would be slow.

I re-enter the room, Sky's eyes going from mine to the plate of toast in my hand, her stomach growling loudly as if on cue. A blush creeps up her face as I reach her, taking her cup from her hand as I swap it out with the plate. She mumbles a quiet 'thank you' before lifting a piece and taking a bite.

"So, remember those items we found at one of the locations Gael was suspected of living at?" We all nod in acknowledgment, our eyes on Raina as she speaks. Sky had been told about this earlier, just before Raina and Ally arrived.

"I found something in there. The book that was missing. The one the elders are looking for. It's actually a book written by the first-ever witch, Elsabeth. One of my direct ancestors. I am one of the last of her bloodline." Raina is speaking quietly, her eyes unfocused as if she is deep in thought.

"When I touched it, I got a strange feeling. A feeling of darkness and despair. I couldn't even open it. The latch was so tight and the more I tried the worse I felt. To the point that I felt physically ill. Ally had to give me a tonic afterward. Whatever is in there is the answer, but someone, and my guess is Gael, does not want us to see what lies inside." Ally puts a reassuring hand over Raina's hand on her leg, effectively pulling Raina from her thoughts.

"Do you have the book here?" Sky asks, placing her empty plate on the coffee table.

"I do but we need to be careful with it. It's bound by dark magic. I can still feel it lingering around me like it has penetrated my aura or something. If I was any weaker, I think it would have killed me." No exaggeration can be found in the words she speaks, her concern becoming mine.

"I have also asked Blaise to come here and train with Sky. He is a powerful warlock from a long and distinguished line, his skills in magical defensive training unrivaled. He has trained many new witches and warlocks, helping them tap into their potential. I explained this situation to him, and he was more than willing to help. He will be here tomorrow Dmitri, if you can please arrange accommodation nearby," Raina says looking at me, her usual demeanor somewhat recovered.

"Sure, he can stay in one of the rooms at my old house," I say, walking towards the open front door, as I see Ivan approaching in the distance.

"Your old house?" Sky asks curiously.

"Yip. I moved out last week. I'm staying at the house just down the road, the one with the timber cladding," I say absentmindedly, the look on Ivan's face worrying me. He stops to talk to Dylan who has just broken through the tree line as he moves through this area as part of his patrol route.

"Why did you move Dmitri?" The confusion in Sky's voice finally brings my attention back to the room.

"You don't feel comfortable going there with the bad memories it holds for you, so I thought a change of scenery was necessary," I say, her gaze thoughtful as she stares at me.

"But you love that house, Dmitri." A frown knits her brows together as if she cannot understand what I am saying.

"It's just a house and it's definitely not more important than your feelings Skylar. So I moved. No big deal." Ivan's clearing of his throat once again redirects my attention as he stands in front of the stairs leading up the porch.

He inclines his head to the side, motioning for me to come outside.

"I'll be right back," I say, not looking back as I exit the house.

Ivan walks a short distance away, his eyes on the house, checking if anyone is in hearing distance.

"Jacobson called," Ivan says, my irritation at the Alpha blooming just at hearing his name spoken.

"What the fuck does he want now?" I had disliked him before but after his involvement in bringing Savannah into my life, as ignorant as he was to what her intention really was, my dislike for him had reached a new level.

"They found a body, one he thinks would be of interest to you. I suppose he is still trying to make up for what happened back then," Ivan says, sensing my anger.

"Why the fuck would I care about a body?" I run my hand through my hair, some of the pieces coming loose from the half ponytail I was wearing it in.

"Well, it's someone we know," Ivan says cryptically, egging my irritation on.

"Spit it out, Ivan," I practically growl out.

"Chris. Chris Marlof."

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