Chapter 31 - New Memories

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The look Dmitri is giving me is a mixture of shock and lust. Thankfully. When I planned this in the shower, I worried I wouldn't come across as sexy, having never been this forward with a man in my life.

This place, and the way Dmitri was treating me, made me want to let go and have some fun, the unopened box on the table upstairs could wait just one night. The feeling inside me told me that once I opened it things would change forever.

Dmitri's gaze is traveling my bare body, the cool night air, and excitement causing goosebumps to erupt all over my skin. His green eyes meet mine, a low growl escaping him as he breathes in deeply, his eyes closing just before I see them turn black. He rolls his head to the side, his eyes opening, the look he gives me dangerously seductive, like he is holding himself back.

"I can smell you, Skylar." Those words were fast becoming my favorite, a smile playing on my lips as I walk over to the stairs leading to the pool.

I take the steps slowly, the warm water gently licking my skin as I submerge myself further. Dmitri is rooted to his spot, his eyes moving from my face, to linger on my breasts just before they disappear under the water. My stomach is clenching with desire and anticipation, butterflies hitting the inside of my belly, my eyes not leaving his as I stand in the water moving back toward the edge of the pool.

Breaking his gaze, I turn around, the view of the mountain and trees coupled with the stars shining in the sky a work of art only nature can achieve.

My keen hearing tells me Dmitri is removing his clothes, as I hear him head towards the steps of the pool, his movement in the pool causing the water to lap against my skin. I don't turn around, shyness overtaking me.

I feel his presence behind me, his body close to mine as his hand gently snakes around my waist. The sparks feel different in the water, the contact of his hand making my heart race as my stomach further clenches with excitement. His hand moves my hair from my neck, his finger grazing the skin before his lips and tongue latch onto the spot just under my ear. I move my head to the side, encouraging the action which has my juices flowing. His tongue traces a trail up before his mouth gently sucks my earlobe, nipping it before he releases it, a moan of pleasure leaving my lips.

His other hand has moved south, this forefinger parting my folds as he slips it between the lips and up, the contact it makes with my clit causing my body to jerk. He adds more pressure as his finger slides down and then back up again, the tip of his finger circling my nub before moving back down. His finger enters me as he kisses my jaw, my head moving further to the side as his lips find mine.

His teeth nip my lower lip gently before he sucks on the spot, my mouth opening to allow him access. He tastes like grapes and Dmitri, his stubble grazing my face gently as his tongue and mine circle and taste each other.

He removes his hand, turning me around as his mouth captures mine once again, my legs circling his waist. I can feel his hard-on against my ass as the kiss deepens, the hunger and need clearly conveyed in its intensity. He cradles my ass as his other hand grasps my hair, holding me in place as he kisses all rational thought away, my core clenching with desire. He walks us out of the pool, the cool air on my skin not uncomfortable considering how heated I feel. The hand holding my ass moves down, first one finger then another entering my heat. The intensity builds and I start bobbing up and down on his fingers.

"If you don't stop, I'm not going to be able to wait, I'll take you right now," he growls out, his voice husky.

"I want you right now Dmitri," I say, my voice breathless as I continue bouncing on his fingers.

Without another word, he removes his fingers, placing me on the floor before turning me around. His hand on my upper back forces me forward, my hands leaning against the sliding door to stop me from falling forward. His one foot pushes my feet apart, my legs spread as I realize what he is about to do. His chest is flush with my back, his breath on my ear as he whispers, "I'm going to take you now and it's going to be hard and fast." No complaint from me. The need building inside me was already so great.

He kisses my neck, as his one hand gently grasps my breast, pinching the nipple before moving down past my stomach, his finger finally meeting and stroking my swollen clit. His other hand positions his dick and with one thrust he enters me, impaling me fully while his hand holds me around my waist, keeping me in place.

The pleasure is intense, as he pulls almost out completely before ramming back into me. My hands push back on the glass, meeting his thrust as he pummels back into me. His finger stimulating my clit as his shaft repeats its thrusting, has me on the edge, my eyes clenching shut. My moans of pleasure increase as he drives into me harder and faster, lifting me onto the tips of my toes with the force.

The slapping sound of his groin hitting my ass as he fucks me is so erotic and animalistic, I topple over the edge as my whole body convulses in a mind-blowing orgasm. My walls throb around him and with one final thrust, he rams into me, his release pulsing inside me. I pump him for all he has as my legs start shaking, the pleasure coursing through me making my limbs weak. His hand holds me up against him before he scoops me up in his arms, a small giggle leaving my lips.

I know his seed is probably running down my leg and has probably splattered the deck where we were fucking, but for once I can't be bothered, his lips grabbing mine as he takes me inside. I am so satiated I could sleep, which is exactly what I end up doing, minutes after he places me on the bed, my body tucked tightly against his.  

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