Chapter 54 - Ghost From The Past

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Shouting. There is lots of shouting and then pain. My bones crunch and reform, the sound so loud I hear it over the commotion. As I become conscious, a scream leaves my mouth at the absolute agony coursing through my entire being.

I can make out Dr. Andrew's voice, gruff commands being issued before metal pierces my skin.

"Dmitri, can you hear me?" It's Raina's voice, filled with concern.

"You must drink this. It will help you expel the dark magic," her voice urges as her arm cradles my head, holding it upright as a cup touches my lips. The smell alone makes me heave, but at her urging, and Ally's somewhere on the other side of me, I open my mouth, allowing the liquid to enter my mouth and slide down my throat. The effect is instantaneous. I immediately start retching, a bucket appearing just as I expel a black tar-like substance that hits the base of the bucket and sizzles.

Raina repeats the process when the retching stops, resulting in another expulsion of the substance. We continue this for what seems like hours until half the bucket is filled. It is not until all the contents of the cup in Raina's hand have been drained that I eventually stop hurling, my body already feeling better, the pain subsiding as my advanced healing repairs the last of the damage caused by Elsabeths spell and the black magic required to complete it.

Ally takes the bucket away, a bunch of herbs thrown on top of it before a match is lit and thrown into the bucket. A black twirl of smoke appears before dissipating into thin air, leaving only the smell of ether behind.

I sit up fully, wincing as the needle in my arm digs deeper, the liquid I am hooked up to nearly halfway down.

"Dmitri, I thought that was the end of you, my friend." I drag my gaze over to Andrea, who has just entered the room. I am lying on Sky's bed, the multicolored quilt shaking me from the stupor I am in as memory of what had happened prior to this comes flooding back.

"Fuck. Me too. But," I say, pulling out the needle from my arm as I look at everyone gathered around the bed, "it was worth it. I actually entered Gael's body. Just like Elsabeth did with you, Raina."

Raina's brows shoot up while a gasp comes from Ally.

"Really. So you saw Sky. How is she?" Raina asks, hope coating her tone. I can still feel the guilt oozing from her for bringing Gael into our lives. Though, how would she have known Blaise wasn't who he said he was?

"She is fine. Trapped and powerless. He has some sort of choker around her neck. It's blocking her powers." I get up, stretching my muscles and newly repaired bones to release the stiffness.

"A witches lei. Those were banned centuries ago. Though I do know that The High Council is in possession of a few. They still use them during interrogation. But they would never admit," Ally says, disgust at the archaic practice evident. It was as bad as using silver on werewolves and Lycans.

"How do we remove it?" I ask her, everyone following me out of Sky's bedroom towards the living area. Remnants of the items used to perform Elsabeths spell still litter the table.

"I'm not actually sure. Let me make a call to one of our covens, and I'll see if they can help," Ally leaves just as Ivan and Kira enter.

"Ivan, fuck. How are you feeling?" I head over to him, giving him a huge hug which he returns with vigor.

"I'm fine. Thankfully you are, too," he says, patting my back as Kira steps forward and wraps me in a big bear hug.

"Listen, I'm glad we are all here. I need you to look for a place close to Skylar's old house, not in Willow Falls but bordering it somewhere. Close to a cliff edge. That's where Gael is holding Skylar." Ivan and Kira nod, Kira's eyes already losing focus as she gets our surveillance team on it.

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