Chapter 30 - The Pool

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Sky is clutching the box we retrieved from the bank like her life is depending on it. She has not spoken a word since we got back into the car, but I don't break the silence. I don't need to read her mind to know she is pensive about what might be inside. That it might be from her parents.

After breaking the curse, I gathered from Rene and Ally that Sky had been remembering more and more of her childhood with her parents. Older memories faded for those of us who didn't suffer from amnesia, whereas for Sky as they came back to her, they appeared new.

Luckily, as if pre-empting this situation, the accommodation I arranged was in a quiet and secluded area. The calming nature of the location was definitely something I knew Sky would appreciate and love.

We pull off the main road, the dirt road kicking up dust behind us as we make our way down a long road with large trees on both sides, the joining of branches across the road creating a beautiful canopy. Sky gasps, her hand coming up to cover her mouth as we approach a large double-story log cabin. The massive glass windows of the second story overlook the driveway while a balcony can be seen wrapping around the side of the house, forming a big deck that circled the house, overlooking the mountain and forest on the other side.

"Wow. Dmitri, this place is gorgeous!" Sky says in astonishment as I pull up in front of the cabin. Not waiting for me to open the door for her, she exits the vehicle, the look on her face outwardly expressing her awe.

I grab our bags from the back, placing them at the front door as I fish the keys out. Sky's excitement is palpable as she waits for me to open the door, her face one of shock as she enters, the box still clutched tightly against her chest. The opposite side of the bottom floor is made entirely of glass sliding doors that open up onto a wooden deck with a hot tub and infinity pool which appears to drop off the edge of the cliff below. The space inside is open plan with a kitchen on one side and a cozy-looking lounge area on the other. A large dining table is situated just on the inside of the sliding doors, the ideal view to accompany any meal.

"This is really luxurious. I don't know why I'm so taken aback, your old house is also on this level, this is just different. Is the pool heated?" she asks, making her way to the sliding doors to take in the view.

"It is indeed," I say as I bring our bags in, heading upstairs as she follows, the large wooden staircase on the right side of the room leading up onto a large banister that overlooks the bottom area. The similarity to my old house is not lost on me and I hope this doesn't evoke horrible memories for Sky. The smile lighting up her whole face tells me it doesn't.

We enter what must be the main bedroom, large sliding doors similarly opening up onto a large balcony. The view downstairs, if possible, pales in comparison. I drop our bags off next to the large king-size bed, making my way to the doors as I open them, Sky following me out into the cool night air. She is free of the box, which she has placed somewhere inside.

"Wow, I feel like I'm in a fairy tale. This place is exquisite. Who owns it?" Sky asks, her hands resting on the wooden railing keeping us from toppling over the edge.

"Andrea. You have met him before though you won't remember him. An old friend of mine. He is part of the High Council now, a vampire elder. We're actually attending an event he is hosting tomorrow night."

Sky just nods, her gaze shifting from mine back to the view. I can see she is tired and a bit stressed.

"Why don't you go have a shower or bath while I see if there is anything to eat, else we can order in. Then we can decide if you want to open the box tonight or tomorrow. There is no rush. Nothing says it must be done now. We can always tackle it in the morning." My hand moves up, my finger smoothing the frown that has formed between her brow, before cupping the side of her face. She leans into my palm, closing her eyes as she does. Gods, she is beautiful.

"That's an excellent idea." She opens her eyes, smiling at me before she moves inside and through a door on the right of the room which leads to the ensuite bathroom. I want to follow her and join her, but I also don't want to intrude. Instead, I make my way downstairs, happy when I see some platters of cheese and fruit waiting in the fridge. Andrea must have arranged for someone to do the shopping and prep snacks, something I would thank him for later.

I grab a bottle of chilled champagne from the fridge, pop the cork, and fill two glasses which I take out to the deck. Though not a fan of the stuff, the crispness is pleasing.

Skylar comes out a short while later, her wet red hair a stark contrast against the fluffy white bath towel she is wearing. It reminds me of our night in Spain, the thought causing an ache in my heart while at the same time causing my shaft to twitch. I wish she remembered what I did.

"You okay Dmitri?" she asks, sensing the change in my mood. I cover it up swiftly, smiling at her as I hand her a glass.

"Cheers," she says, before taking a small sip, her eyes roaming the scenery.

"I could feel your sadness just moments ago, why don't you tell me what's bothering you?" She looks back at me, her gaze piercing mine. "You are always there for me Dmitri, I want to be there for you."

I didn't want to make her sad, not while she was already somewhat perturbed by the box we had collected. But I also couldn't expect her to be open with me when I was not open with her.

"You in that gown reminds me of Spain. The trip was filled with many of our first moments together and it hurts that that was taken from you...from us. The memories are hard to enjoy when it is one-sided."

"You remember what you said to me the other day Dmitri, that if I tried, we could create new memories together. So, let's create a new one now." A small smile is playing on her lips as she turns away from me, her back towards me as she approaches the pool's edge.

The look on her face as she eyes me over her shoulder and then slowly opens the front of her gown before letting it slip down her back and onto the floor is certainly one I will remember forever.

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