Chapter 40 - Powers

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"Okay, you've got it! Now see if you can direct it at that log over there," Blaise says, clutching the nozzle of the fire extinguisher tight in his right hand while the other holds the canister. We would no doubt need to buy a whole bunch at this rate.

My eyes are on Sky as she stands in my backyard, which is basically the forest surrounding pack lands, her face reflecting deep concentration. She focuses her gaze on the bright red flame hovering inches off her right hand before it shoots forward five yards, the flame engulfing the log that is about a yard away from Blaise. He jumps in fright before aiming the nozzle and dousing the fire until it is out. The last thing we needed was a whole forest fire.

"I did it!" Sky shouts, her eyes finding mine, as she bounces up and down on her feet.

Raina and Ally, who are sitting next to me on the deck surrounding the house, shout words of praise, their faces exuding as much excitement as Skys. It was nice to see them not whispering to each other, something that had constantly been happening since we got back from Andreas' place a couple of days ago. They were being so careful that even with my hearing I couldn't pick up one word of what they were saying to each other in those instances.

Looking over at Sky, I am happy she has finally pulled herself out of the glum mood she has been in since we had arrived back from Andreas' villa. While we had initially planned on staying for a couple of days, we ended up leaving after Sky's nap. Her desire to be back home seeped through our bond, purposefully I think, and I had suggested we return here sooner rather than later. The gratitude on her face at the suggestion did not go unnoticed. Andrea and Mira understood. It appeared that Mira and Sky had formed some sort of bond in a short space of time, prompting Mira to suggest that they spend their honeymoon and Christmas with us. On pack lands. In my old house.

My eyes find Mira sitting next to Raina on the deck, Andrea leaning next to the frame of the cabin close to her. After the feeling I had at Andreas villa of something not feeling quite right, I confronted Sky, voicing my concerns, my intuition telling me something was up. But she assured me everything was okay and that she was just tired. I dropped the subject, not wanting to mither her. All I could do was keep a lookout for anything unusual.

"Okay, tomorrow we will continue harnessing your teleportation abilities. You did really well today Sky. You should be proud of yourself," Blaise says to her, his usual abruptness gone. Not surprising as he was always different with us in front of Raina and Ally. Now that there was an even bigger audience with Mira and Andrea watching on, he was on his best behavior.

Getting up, I take a bottle of water off the table, handing it to Sky as I reach her.

"You are getting better and better," I say, kissing her on her forehead as she beams up at me.

"If you're not too tired, there's time for me to teach you something else?" I ask, raising my brow in a question.

"Sure, I'm up for anything." She blushes and looks away, her mind definitely on something a little dirtier. The sexual tension between us sparks as the innuendo of her words sits heavily between us.

"If we didn't have an audience, I'd definitely teach you something that has a more... hands-on approach," I say, smiling as she splutters on the sip of water she has just taken.

"Get a room!" Andrea shouts from his position on the deck, Sky pivoting on her heel so her back faces Andrea as she furiously blushes.

"So, let's see how you do with shifting," I say, laughing as she finally turns around to face me again.

Admittedly, my Lycan has been feeling restless, more protective, and possessive of Sky lately, which is probably partly to blame for my suggestion now.

"I'm not sure how to even shift. The last time was out of my control," Sky says, her face crinkling in remembrance.

"Traditionally, when werewolves or Lycans reached their thirteenth birthdays they would shift involuntarily, just like you did. During their shift, they would be gifted a vision. The vision contains a talisman of sorts to call the shift forward, whenever needed. It's unique for each werewolf and Lycan. Mine cannot work on you and yours cannot work on me. Do you remember seeing anything when you shifted in the woods by your house?" I ask Sky as I see her mind go back to that experience.

"I don't even need to think that hard to know what you are talking about. Just after I tripped and started falling, before the shift, I saw a vision of a flower ring. It was made from thin pieces of vine, with small flowers all around it. Delicate. It looked very delicate," Sky says quietly as she goes back to that moment. "I thought about it for days afterward it was so pretty." Sky laughs as she looks back at me, her eyes now focused back on me and not on her memory.

"Great, so that is your shift talisman. Whenever you want to call your Lycan forward you need to call your talisman forward first. Yours is actually very functional. You could even imagine in your mind's eye, putting that ring on. That should start the shifting process for you. Some shifts are painful, others not. It depends from one wolf to another. Yours seemed to be less painful than others?" I state and question at the same time.

"It was painful but for such a brief period that I can only vaguely recall the pain," Sky says to me as she runs her hand over her face. I can see the concern there. She is worried this time will involve more pain than before.

"It should be the same as then so don't worry too much. I know you can handle it." My words seem to reassure her somewhat as a small smile appears on her face.

"Okay, let's do this," she says, her hands forming into fists as determination fills her.

"I will shift after you as I need to undress. My body becomes bigger and I don't feel like replacing yet another set of clothes. Yours seems to stay the same size which is unusual but then again, everything about you is unusual," I say, kissing her gently on the lips, causing her face to morph into shock before a large grin replaces it.

Since getting back from Andreas' villa, Sky and I had not been intimate. I was giving her space, knowing that she had a lot to work through, a lot on her mind. I usually waited for her to fall asleep in my bed before I climbed in next to her, pulling her close to me before falling asleep. To avoid any awkwardness she might feel in the morning, I would leave before she got up. I didn't want her to feel even more pressure with our relationship.

"Yes, bigger. I understand," she says, blushing when the innuendo of what she has just said settles in. The sexual tension still lingering in the air.

Laughing, she steps back, running a hand over her face.

"Okay, so when you are ready, imagine yourself putting that ring on your finger. It's really as simple as that," I say, moving back from her to give her space as she closes her eyes.

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