Chapter 45 - Blaise

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"You're holding back. I can hold my own Sky, so stop hesitating." Blaise is standing at the other side of the garden, his stance bracing for impact as I once again call forward a ball of energy between my hands.

Blaise had been teaching me to draw on some magic I didn't even know I could access. The smoky ball of energy between my hands grows as I visualize the symbol which has now been ingrained in my memory, allowing me to physically manifest the energy. Blaise was correct, I had been holding back. I was able to pull much more, I had tried it privately last night when I couldn't sleep. But that power had scared me, the feeling coursing through me leaving my adrenaline spiking and my body shaking.

Hoping that Blaise knows what he is asking, I draw on more of the energy, the ball between my hands vibrating much faster, the friction causing my hands to heat up. Focusing on Blaise I flick the ball forward, mentally instructing it to its destination.

The ball whips through the air, hitting Blaise with such force he goes flying backward, his body landing with a painful thud a couple of feet away from his original position. There are marks on the grass where his feet tried to dig in to brace for impact.

"Oh my god, Blaise!" I shout, running forward as my eyes take in his unmoving form.

As I get there, his hand shoots up, holding his chest as he takes a sudden big intake of air. Instead of anger, he is smiling brightly.

"I'm so sorry," I say, dropping to my knees beside him as he slowly sits up.

His breathing evens out, the grin on his face not going anywhere.

"Don't feel bad Sky, I asked for it," he says chuckling.

I stand up, holding my hand out for him to take so that I can pull him up. As his hand touches mine, I jerk my hand back, a feeling of familiarity seeping through me.

"You okay Sky?" He asks, his hand still outstretched.

"I'm fine. Sorry, my hands must still be feeling weird from what just happened," I brush the question off, taking his hand as I help him back to his feet.

I notice that the force of the impact has caused the necklace he is wearing to come free from his shirt, the chain pulling tightly around his neck as the rest of it now lies down his back. I lean my head back, catching a glimpse of the pendant on the end. It's a beautiful gem set in gold, its color the exact same as my scent coincidentally. Bit feminine in my opinion. The design looks so familiar. Maybe I have seen something similar in a shop.

"Oh, your chain," I say, reaching out to help fix it.

His eyes go wide, his smile vanishing as he grips the chain, taking a step back. He pulls it forward, his hand feeling for the pendant on the end as he finds it, stuffing it quickly back under his shirt.

The smile he held just moments ago reappears, though this time it doesn't seem to reach his eyes.

"Well, I think that is enough for today. I will be heading back to my coven tomorrow for a little while so we will pick up training when I get back." The cheeriness in his voice seems strained. Maybe he is injured and just doesn't want to tell me.

"Are you sure you are okay?" I ask him, the concern I feel coating the words. I didn't want a repeat of what happened to Ruth. She was a werewolf, giving her the benefit of advanced healing. Blaise didn't have that ability so I needed to be sure I hadn't caused him any physical injuries that needed a doctor's intervention.

"I'm fine Sky. The shield I had up cushioned most of the blow so I'm really fine." He gives my arm a gentle squeeze, the action meant to be reassuring but just ending up being awkward.

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