Chapter 55 - Revelare

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"Skylar?" The voice is coming to me from a long way away, but even so, it is unmistakable. One I have not heard in years but still one I would know, like an old song that pulls nostalgia from a place you cannot access without the tune.

As I open my eyes, I find myself in the field of wildflowers close to my new home in the pack. In the distance, I can hear muffled voices coming from the cabin. The voice calling my name, however, comes from the large tree I often sit under.

"What is this?" I ask out loud, trying to remember how I got here. I hope this wasn't some trick of Gaels again. I'm sure the last time I saw him, he was still strapped to the chair in the house from hell.

Flashes of memory assault me. Me sitting on the kitchen floor as all my stolen memories returned. Then the necklace that held all my memories was replaced with another, the strange blue light emitted from its center engulfing me as I spoke the word given to Dmitri from Elsabeth. The necklace left to me by my parents. It must have brought me here.

"Revelare." The word is said from the form that is now visible under the tree.

That voice. My mind is telling me it can't be, but my legs have a mind of their own as they start running toward the figure.

Her arms engulf me, along with the smell that belongs to one person alone.

"Grammy, is it really you?" Tears are streaming down my face as a wrinkled hand soothes my back.

"It's really me," she says, laughing as she pulls back to take a look at me. "Well, my essence, at least."

"But how is it possible? Actually, don't even answer that. After everything that has happened, I don't know why I am even asking stupid questions like this," I say, laughing.

"I take it it's been a bit of a rough ride?" my gran asks, her hands holding mine comfortingly.

"You could say that," I sigh as she hooks my hand in the crook of her arm, leading us back toward the wildflowers.

"Ahhh, my Skylar, you were always a special child. It was no surprise you somehow sat at the center of a Legend. I wish we had more time to catch up, but soon it will be time for us to go see what's going on." She nodded her head in the direction of my house, where I could hear the muffled voices earlier.

She stops us just on the edge of the field, slightly turning to me as her hand gently pats my stomach.

"This one is special, but it's you we need to worry about right now. You we need to talk about." Gran smiles reassuringly when she sees the worry cross my features.

"Your little one has got powers but make no mistake, Skylar, so do you. There have been some hints as to what they are, but their subtlety might have meant they were overlooked," Gran says, her hand gesturing in the air dismissively.

"You are aware that you come from a line of witches?" Gran asks me proudly, her big smile infectious.

"Yes, Aunt told me, but she says that the witches in our family are born with a distinctive birthmark. I don't have that, I have these," I say, holding my wrists up so that Gran can see the two snakes lying motionless on my skin, ones that awoke whenever I called on the power of the red flames.

Gran holds my wrists up, her finger tracing the snake on the right.

"It is here, it is just hiding. A beautiful little wildflower, the color of the sky, after your name. It will appear when all of this is over, but," Gran says, smiling back at me, the wrinkles on her face nearly non-existent here, "you are a witch, my dear child. The most powerful in our line so far."

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