Chapter 5 - Trying

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It was seven o'clock in the morning. The excitement was overwhelming. Not mine, but his. I look out the window, Dmitri's silhouette framed by the morning sun as he stands next to my favorite tree.

Looking at him, I can understand how the me back then fell for him. Besides the fact that he towers over me at well over 6'3", or the muscles that were wrapped in a tight white T-shirt and some black sweatpants, or the unusual green eyes and off-white hair, he has an aura that reels you in. Probably because he is an Alpha and Lycan, he screams primal male, oozing dominance and control, the epitome of the bad boy every girl wants to tame.

He senses me watching him, turning to look at me, immediately finding my eyes. I move my head to the side, a gesture for him to come over. Moving to the door, I unlock and open it, waiting as he approaches.

"You're early. Do you want some coffee?" I ask as he comes up the stairs of the porch.

Not waiting for an answer, I move inside to the small kitchen to make myself a coffee, regardless of whether or not he wants one. His presence suffocates the cottage as he enters, closing the door behind him.

"Sure. I will have a cup, thank you, Skylar."

I don't remember if we ever had coffee before or how he takes it. Strong, weak, with milk, without. As I am contemplating this, it is as if he reads my mind, answering the question I don't ask.

"With milk, one sugar, please. I do prefer it strong, but anything will do." His voice is coming from further into the living room, towards a bookshelf on the side.

Besides a couple of books there, the shelf is filled with dried herbs I have collected from the area. Mugwort, dandelion, nettle, hops, and others litter the shelves in glass jars. I have been making my own sleeping tonics to help with the slight bout of insomnia I have been suffering with. One good thing though is that since The Incident, the recurring dream that has plagued me since I was eighteen has finally come to an end. Its attachment to the curse I suppose broken when it was.

I finish making the coffee, handing him his as I gesture to the porch, two worn chairs on the one side and an old swing making for pleasant seating, especially when it was hot.

Taking a seat on the swing, my eyes survey the field of wildflowers as the sun rises further.

Instead of looking at the scenery, Dmitri is looking at me.

The silence is as comfortable as can be expected. When we arrived here last night, I had lain in bed awake, thinking back on what Raina and Ally said. The realization that I have been acting childishly and unempathetically started setting in. Not once did I acknowledge that this must be hard on Dmitri. I was wrapped in a cocoon of confusion, hurt, and fear. I felt changed and I hated the person I was. Timid, fearful, scared, closed off. Listless and devoid of joy. Alone. And to a large extent caused by my pushing people away.

So here I was, trying to forge some sort of connection with this man who clearly still wanted to be in my company. Even at my worst apparently.

"So, what exactly does this training consist of? I'm on the lower scale of athletic and my stamina is probably at a high of zero. So...if there is beginner training, it's best to slot me in there. Even with the toddlers would suffice," I say as he grins from behind his mug before taking a sip.

"Don't worry Skylar, we will start off slow. If you're ready, we should go. The class starts at eight sharp and considering I'm leading it, I would hate to be late." His words have me spluttering on my coffee.

"You. You're leading it. I thought Kira was in charge of training?" The absolute last thing I wanted was to be sweating up a storm and looking miserably weak in front of Mr perfect over here.

"Usually, but not today as she has to go to Jacobson's pack for a meeting with his beta Jason. Also, I train the beginner's class, except when I am away on business or otherwise occupied. Always has been that way. Usually, new pack members start there and it's the best way for me to get to know them and assess their strengths and weaknesses." The words are spoken as a matter of fact, my hesitation at him being the trainer not understood. And why should it be? They were a little absurd, I know.

He takes my mug and heads inside, placing them in the basin before pulling the door closed behind him.

"I brought my car in case you are tired afterward. It's a long walk into town," he says, heading down the porch as I follow. His black SUV is parked on the side, the sun glinting off the paint as if it has just been polished. He opens the passenger door for me, shutting it once I am inside.

We pull out of the sand driveway past the path we took last night to get to Dmitri's house. His was the closest to my place along with another house on the other side about a mile down that stood vacant. Well, it had, until now. I see a large moving van standing in front of the house, along with some maintenance people who appeared to be fixing the roof.

When I walked down here before I had admired the house. It wasn't the size of it that I liked, though it was a bit bigger than mine, it was the timber cladding on the outside that was unique. All the little marks inside the tree are on full display, creating intricate patterns and designs. It is beautiful. Often I wondered what the inside of the house looks like. I strain my neck wondering who the new owner is. Dmitri would know but I do not want to ask.

I look forward, the silence in the car between us becoming more and more comfortable. Perhaps after today, we could start building a foundation for a friendship at least.

I look over at him as he looks at me, a small smile on his face.

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