Chapter 7

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"No, I don't think we have." I smiled politely, noticing the way he leaned his chin on his curled hand, his finger against his lips as if trying to demystify whatever secrets I held.

"Are you sure? Your face looks really familiar." He responded, narrowing his eyes for a second.

"I get that a lot. I guess I just have that kind of face you know."

"I never forget faces." He proclaimed with a smirk, one corner of his mouth slightly tilted upwards.

"Commendable, but I can assure you, we haven't met before. Besides, are you trying to flirt with me?" I furrowed my brow in the provocation that was my question. 

 Usually, calling men out on their inappropriate behavior usually leaves them flustered or aggressive, but what mattered was that his attention is moved to some other thought.

And I thought it worked because he moved his sights to the notepad he had. "No. I am sure that I have seen you before..." before his eyes were once again on me "Besides if I were flirting, you would know."

The corners of my lips twitch at the score set by his retort.

"I am certain that would be very unprofessional if you were."

"That it would be. " I could have sworn that I saw a small smirk, but that was quickly replaced by a stern and serious expression.

"So can you tell me a bit more about yourself, and why do you want to work at SierraTech?"

"Of course, I would love to. Well, firstly, I have a 5-year experience as a secretary with glowing recommendations. Also, I had a look at your company's website, and I must say, I am impressed. Being a company that invented Lilith software is an incredible achievement, especially considering how important it is in today's society. I also saw the charity work that you posted, as well as the upcoming projects that I predict, will be successful, and honestly, other companies can't compare. I am a huge achiever myself, and I want to be a part of a company like SierraTech."

He didn't really seem impressed at anything I spoke about.

In fact, he looked bored.

"Okay, and how do you fit in the picture? You do realize that SierraTech is a giant, and we don't take to mediocrity well."

My blood pressure hit the ceiling. Even though I was aware that he was right with or without an invented job background of mine, I still took it personally. What the hell did I know about interviews? Wasn't a good working history all that mattered? I wouldn't know, because I never got a chance to have an interview.

"I thought you read my CV?" I responded with my head held high, now allowing him to see that he nicked a part of my confidence.  

"If I haven't, then you wouldn't be here today, but I want to hear from you something that will convince me to employ you. Why does Sierra tech resonate with you? "

I couldn't really think of anything to say, but I will be damned if I let him have the last word.

"You see, I am sure that with my assistance, you could achieve so much more because you would be more organized."

He raised one eyebrow at that.

"And you are saying that I am not organized?

I smiled at the small metaphorical crack in his cold demeanor. It seems that he is the kind of person who likes to have it all under control.

"Well first off, you being late, I am sure that your calendar is a mess, and I firmly believe that your business relies on you being ready and organized. Your phone is buzzing on average every 2 minutes and 30 seconds, and it clearly is affecting you. Judging by the paper cup you have, you must have wanted a coffee, but the machine was not filled, and you were forced to get tea instead, as I can smell the black tea aroma. I know that you are drinking coffee because there is a brown print left over on the right side of your notepad, and black tea has a high percentage of caffeine, so it might give a pick me up.  I also cannot think of a reason why would a vice president conduct an interview by himself, and it must be because you are understaffed, or mismanaged. I can tell that half of the things I told you prior were blocked out by your apparent worry over the next scheduled meeting, as you are constantly looking at your calendar, so I have a feeling that you might need help with all of that you know-however, you can always have a robot to do these things for you also. Now, I am not sure what to tell you that could possibly impress you, but a job of a secretary is to be organized and have high attention to detail which I have, as I am sure you do not need a nuclear scientist intelligence for such a position."

An awkward silence ensued. There wasn't an apparent reaction from him, so I hoped I will not be thrown away. Perhaps I was too harsh? He was the one who was late and he insulted me in the process. 

He continued to look at me with the best poker face that I have long seen in a while. He was only writing something on his pad making me even more nervous. I have to break this weird tension.

"Can you tell me why is this spot open?"

He just measured me up and down, and responded -" Underperformance."

 "I see. Well, that doesn't come as a surprise Mr. Mountague."

"What is that even supposed to mean?"

" You are a smart and capable man, obviously. You can figure it out." I started gathering my stuff and already have written off this stupid plan.

"Margaret, did you come here to argue?" Ace said, clicking his tongue.

"Did you come here to insult your candidates?" I retorted.

"Margaret, if you want this job, you should develop a thick skin." 

So patronizing.

"I have thick skin alright. I just do not want to waste my time with rude men."

The vein on his head was making its appearance, which probably meant that I had succeeded in annoying him or offending him. But what I was absolutely sure about was that he possessed the ego the size of a Milky Way. Figures. 

"I am sorry Mr. Mountague for wasting your time, but I must say, you have wasted mine too. If there is nothing else, I will take my leave now. If you will excuse me. "

"You will be informed of the outcome of the interview. Thank you for coming today."

I reached my hand out for a shake, and as he got up to do the same, he probably sat too close to the table, or he didn't move his chair further back, but the table and the drink on it shook upon a contact.  

Noticing the cup would be spilling over his documents, I reached for it reflexively, and so did he, his hand topping mine. 

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