Chapter 54

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I didn't know where to shift my focus anymore..the fact that the Ace would be taken or the fact that Maryam will kill me if I don't do something.

Ace spoke "Hahaha. Really? All this show for that? Are you for real? "

That brought quietness into the chaos, but the kind of quiet that is at a funeral.

Heavy and menacing.

" I wanted to come to you anyways to show you the vulnerabilities of Lilith but you sent your stupid killers without even wanting to listen to me. "

Ace...No. I have to trust him that he has a plan.

"And really? You are blackmailing me with her? Come on Alin. I thought you knew me better than that. "

"Do you really think I will fall for that? " Alin spoke.

Alin now smiled at me, then turned to Ace.

"Actually, I don't even know why I am giving you an option when I can just drag you with me. "

"You, finish her off. "

Ace struggled but in vain, cussing him out. So did I.

He spoke to Maryam, and on orders, Maryam started to plunge her daggers into me. I was coughing blood now, and could barely gasp for air.

"Maryam, please listen to me.. "

Maryam's eyes were not emerald anymore, but the color of basil. Old Maryam was still there, obscured by the dark shade of lies.

I needed to shine the truth on them.

"Maryam...I am sorry. "

She still didn't care. She still didn't listen.

I have to give it a try. I have to fight her so at least she can know the truth.

I owe her that much.

I kicked her in the throat, which made her gasp for air, releasing some of the pressure she had, and that gave me an opportunity to kick her in the gut with my knee, after which I ran towards Alin with the dagger that Maryam left behind, pressing it into his throat.

"You will tell her to stop, and you WILL let Ace go"

"No. "

I approached him, not just nicking his throat, a small stream of blood started to move down his neck.

"You know what this does don't you? Now I don't truly understand what it actually does, or what it is called...Puella Mortis? "

For the first time, a shadow of horror showed on his face but was quickly hidden by the facade of false composure.

"Put it down until you hurt yourself, Margaret. You don't even know how to use it. "

I came closer now and made sure that I have a vision of the whole room.

"I might not, or I might. You wanna risk it old man? Perhaps I have laced it with something so you will die definitely. "

" Don't touch him. Please... "

Maryam.... pleaded. The wounds that she gave to me started to hurt really bad.

"Maryam...he is the reason why you were taken from me. "

"I only know one truth, and it sounds nothing like that. " Spiteful, she said.

"I will never forgive you, even if you are my mother. "

She started moving now, and she was now in front of me shielding him. Alin started laughing and started moving towards Ace.

"Maryam, move. I will not say it again. "

She stood in front of me defiantly and spread her arms wide.

"Margaret honey, I don't think you understand...She will give her life for me. Not only because it's her job but her duty too. I have given her what you took from her. "

Like a living wall, she separated us.

"Let me demonstrate. Maryam, take your dagger and cut your leg. "

As ordered, she did it.

I stared in horror.

Maryam listened to him like a dog.

"I will tell you what will happen, you will give me that dagger, and I will take Ace with me. I will walk out of here unscathed. If you don't, I will order your daughter to kill herself. "

Ace yelled out. " You psychopath! "

"I actually think that I have shown your dear Margaret great mercy. If anything you should be kissing my feet. "

My hands were shaking. I couldn't believe how the situation unraveled. The dagger became too heavy. I dropped it and she retrieved it swiftly.

I didn't know what to possibly do to remedy this.

All is lost. 

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