Chapter 14

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It seems that interactions with Margaret are bound to be compelling ones, as this woman brings a storm to each encounter we have. Observing my hands, I didn't hesitate to touch her, which was an odd occurrence for me. Maybe it was because she was frightened, and my ego liked that my touch changed her disturbed state of being. 

After texting Margaret, it was time to meet with the hacker with the codename Cesar Julius, several blocks from where I left her off. I left specific instructions on how he will find me and what will he say when he meets me so I know it is him.

A man in his late 20ies approached me and started talking.

"Mr. Alin praised be."

Neither of us gave the real name, and his thin red, curly hair and thick glasses on him gave off a clumsy vibe. He also wore vintage large headsets, the kinds that hang around the top of a person's neck, which could circle his whole ear if he put them on. Sporty dressed, with a hoodie and plain jeans, he looked as plain as one could be.

"Hello Cesar. I hear that you have something for me."

"Yes, I have finally completed it."

He reaches into his pocket and just stops.

"I am sorry Mr. Alin. They will kill my dad if I give this to you."

Instead, he pulled out a small handgun and pointed it directly at me. I wasn't surprised because I expected this.

"Not if I beat them to it." I responded.

I whistled and two of my guards brought in an elderly man in a wheelchair, still on oxygen. From what I know about his father, he was in his 100s, even though he didn't look like that. If anything, he looked like he was in his 60ies. Blood conversion therapy really did wonders for those that cared about vanity, but it could never cure death. 

His face dropped and I couldn't help but smile. The moment when they think they have me, but I turn the tables on them, brought me inexplicable joy. 

"Now, now. I am pretty sure that a bullet was not something that I deserved, considering your father has his life because of me remember? I even paid you more than the rest of the people I had the option to work with, only because I knew the tight spot he was in. But that doesn't mean much now it seems."

He put his gun at the top of the table and held his hands up in surrender.

"Mr. Alin, I promise, I never meant to deceive you!"

"Sure, well, I am certain that you would be telling a different story if you actually did manage to deceive me now wouldn't you?"

I stood up and started walking towards his father.

"I think I have overestimated your intelligence Cesar, but I definitely believe that you have underestimated mine. Can you please tell me why were you in the HQ a month ago? I never called you."

"Mr. Alin, I was taken by force. They broke into my house and kidnapped me. I promise you, I have no idea why! I was really careful, and no one ever knew what I was working on!"

His father clearly struggled to breathe, now that I have removed his oxygen tube, and he shot his son a panicked look.

"Lucien, run away, please. I will be okay!"

His father pleaded with him, then with me. 

"Please spare my son. You can do whatever you want to me, but please...spare him."

I smiled, but inside, I felt deep sympathy toward him, together with a tingle of envy. 

"Fatherly love indeed."

I turned around and looked at my watch.

"It seems that your father has less than a minute to live Lucien. Now you have a choice.  You will tell me who sent you, then I will consider sparing your life, and your fathers. If not, I would have no other choice..."

"It was a lady called Margaret!"

Stunned, but I could not possibly believe what he said.

"This was too easy. Can you tell me what she looks like?"

"Tall lady, in her late 20ies or early 30ies. Brown hair and brown eyes and she was carrying daggers. She was literally threatening me with a dagger, you have to understand!"

Sure sounds like her, considering she was carrying daggers with her when she was attacked by that guy. Before her, I saw no one carrying them, as they were somewhat of a relic when it came to self-defense at least. 

It seems that Margaret was a storm of her own indeed.

"I see. And what did she offer you in return?"

"A part of a hefty sum that she was promised by killing you, and keeping my family alive."

"Did she say who offered it to her?"

"No. I swear."

I returned the oxygen supply to his father and turned back to him. 

"Do you have the virus?"

"Yes, it's right here."

I took the small box and the form of contact lenses, and it seemed peculiar to me.

"How do I know that this is the real deal?"

"I swear upon mine and my father's life, it's real. In any case, you can test it out right now. Place it on your eye, and see what happens."

"Do you think I am that dumb?"

I gave his father the lens and ordered him to put them on. No reaction.

"The virus will only work fully for what it's meant to if it's placed directly onto the lenses of Lilith in the SierraTech HQ. As you know the app is merely a way for the citizens to pay directly for post-off, but the real deal is the core placed deep inside the building of your company. Right now, it merely disconnects you from her, and the post-off for 24 hours."

Then I placed it onto me, and indeed, it seemed like I disappeared. I looked into the device, and there was no data on me. I didn't exist anymore.

"How does this even work?"

"It simply makes you "not interesting " to Lilith, kind of like a person that is not in the country anymore. The profile still exists, but you have to burrow yourself in the database and of course, apply the necessary filters. As Lilith's primary search is focused on citizens residing in Rintalis, if that is not satisfied, then all other filters such as political alliance, whether or not they expressed their support to the enemy country Demoris, and net worth, become obsolete, so she just passes the scanning on to the next citizen. On Lilith, this virtual shift of location will cause haywire and render her unusable."

"Fine. If I find out this doesn't work, I will send every man that I have at my disposal to finish you off."

"I am aware, but note, you need both lenses for this to work, otherwise the efficiency is its best."


"Your posts will be insignificant to her before the post off, but during the peak hours of scanning- the only time she scans, analyses the feeds and comments at the full capacity, followed by listing the compromised citizens...all those things are done right after posting, and during that time you will be visible to Lilith. One hour after the post-off, you will be unknown again."

"I have nothing left to say, let them go."

Men did as they were told, and I had to deal with bigger trouble on my hands.

It was time to pay my new friend a visit. 

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