Chapter 31

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Relax Margaret. Relax. He doesn't know. He cannot possibly know. I repeated it inside of me as a mantra.

My bowels felt like collapsing within themselves.


His eyes were cold now, a complete contrast to what they were a moment before. 

"You heard me."

"We already had a similar conversation Mr. Mountangue. I thought that we got past that." 

He was closing in dangerously close, and with each step he took, I took two more. 

"I know that tattoo." 

I snickered at that. 

"Not even I know what it means, or what it is. How could you possibly...."

"Let's just say that you lot are not as smart as you think you are." 

Before I knew it, I broke into a full-blown sprint,  racing down the fire exits. Running after me, yelling behind me. 

"Margaret! I just want to talk."

"Sure you do."

Stamina was something I neglected, but still, I held my pace well. Also did he. Storming down the stairs, I jumped several of them at once. The stomp of our heels echoed the halls of the hallway, and I only prayed for my feet not to give in.

I am not even sure why am I running away from him. He should be running away from me. 

Almost reaching the lobby of the hotel, a hand over my mouth quickly muffled my voice. I hit him with my elbow, but that didn't do much, it only made him grab it and push it back against my back. Moving my foot back, I pushed against his leg hard while leaning back, thinking it would falter his steps, but it didn't. He recognized the failed attempt by reinforcing his hold on your arms, squeezing my arm harder. I tried again, turning my torso to the right to get just enough leverage to lean against the wall with my right shoulder, hoping I could push him off somehow.

Again, I failed.

"Be quiet. We have company." 

Refocusing my eyes, I saw Alin with at least 5 bodyguards, making his way through the hallway. 

"Promise me that you will not scream and I will let you go."

I nodded, and that was all it took for him to do so. 

"Come with me."

I furrowed my brow. 


"I know that I don't have to explain that to you."

"I know that I should be hiding from them, but I don't see why should I go with you." 

I explained, still trying to catch my breath. I never slowed down, so I am not sure how he caught up with me. Or did he pace himself like that on purpose? 

"You know what. Do what you want, but let me tell you once I disappear, you will never find me. Besides, most of the exits must have been blocked."

He threw the bait, waiting for me to out myself. Clever boy.

"How do I know that you will not kill me as soon as I approach you?"

"I said that I won't hurt you. I intend to keep that promise."

With that, he turned around and I followed. 

Hurriedly, we paced down to the garage and jumped inside of his back sports car. He opened the doors for me, a closed them. Once he was inside, he slammed on the gas pedal, tires screeching. 

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