Chapter 73

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He accepted, and we walked as if by a routine, to the bar where I worked at.

We both ordered red wine, and both looked at the candle at the table, as if we were both ashamed of a horrible thing we did.

"So what made you invite me to coffee? "

He asked, but didn't look me in the eye.

"I guess...I didn't want to be alone right now. But..I didn't expect you to say yes, considering I threatened you with a dagger. Why did you accept? "

"Same as you. I didn't want to be alone. "

I took a deep breath.

"Thank you, Ace, for doing that for me once again. " 

He looked at me for a moment, but I noticed his eyes were swollen and it seemed like he had been crying.

"Ace ? "

He took a deep breath.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it. "

I took his hand and gave it a firm squeeze.

"Do you want to talk about it? "

"No. I don't..but I think I have to. And we can get to it later but.. how was the meeting with Maryam? "

"She said that she would not forgive me and that I am a grandmother. "

Ace widened his eyes in surprise.

"Wait, what? Congratulations! How do you feel about that? "

"I will take some time for me to accept her not forgiving me. I have no proof of what happened, and I only have my word. And even if she did accept my reasoning and the circumstances, I don't think she will forgive me for abandoning her. "

"You know very well that never happened."

"I know, but what was done is done. I am left with no daughter, and no grandaughter, but the worst thing is..she was left all alone without a mother. I can only imagine what went through her head when Victoria fed her lies. "

"Who is Victoria? "

"She was my boss back in the brothel. She said that Maryam's life was in danger and so was hers, so she paid me to save her by bringing her to Alin, only she twisted it so she could be a savior, and I a villain."

His eyes brightened up.

"So...that means that Victoria is someone with connections to SierraTech? "

"Yes...probably? I don't know. "

"Would info on her help you? "

"It might...why? What are you thinking about? "

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