Chapter 76

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Hiding calculations that Maryam would die because of Margaret's presence, was a choice that I had to make. Also, in the end, they were just that. Calculations. 

I left to Margaret the first pick, and thankfully, she chose Eucia, because if I was left alone with her, we wouldn't get many questions. 

I really doubt I would be able to control myself. 

Anna came into the main hall office, looking uncomfortable. It must have been the first time that she was isolated from the group, as they always stuck together. Not feeling the need to tell Jett about this, or the group, I decided to interrogate her myself.

Moments like these, where I had the authority to find who Victoria was with a click of a button, or command Anna to come to me for interrogation...I wondered how useless I would have been if I didn't have those.

"Hello, Anna. Please sit. "

I pointed to the chair, and she did as she was told.

"How can I help you, mayor? "

"I think the better question is, how can I help you? "

Clearly confused, I started elaborating.

"Margaret told me what happened to your family, but... that's not the whole truth isn't it? "

"I don't understand what you are talking about mayor. "

"But I think you see... I know that you went to Rintalis a year ago, and coincidentally, once again, on the exact day my father died. Can you please explain? "

She almost tried to escape, but I shoot my gun into the doors next to her which caused her to turn around, raising her hands in surrender.

"I won't miss again. "

"Mayor...I.... "

I put my gun on the table, the barrel pointed at her.

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