Chapter 61

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This night, I wandered about once again to look for her, and at first, I thought I was hallucinating when I heard her voice. I ran to the source, which was Pink Lotus, and my mouth dried instantly.

Margaret looked more beautiful than I remembered.

The hollowness of her cheeks was gone, and they contained now a healthy glow. She was wearing a beautiful crimson dress, and heels to match. Swaying her hips side to side, in a moment she noticed me, not even lingering her gaze. 

I was relieved to see her and longed to talk to her, but I couldn't. I just couldn't go after her because of my shame.

Maybe she would say how disappointed she was in me for not changing anything. How do I confront her about her jumping from universe to universe?

But none of these thoughts mattered when she approached me.

"Hello, Ace. "

I swallowed and cleared my throat.

"Hello, Margaret. "

She smiled as if she was seeing an old friend who simply went his own way.

"How have you been? "

"I..good. You? "

"I am happy to hear that. " All I could respond.

"Business is going well I presume? "

There it was. The stab. I braced myself.

"Yes. "

"Good ... that's good. "

Was her only reply.

"I am happy that I saw you, Ace. Take care. " She responded, and left.

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