Chapter 75

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"Are you for fucking real? "

I ran to the screen.

"What else is there? "

"Victoria Jupertis, status dead, the reason for death unknown. She has two children... "

One of them was too familiar.

"Anna. "

We stared in silence at the screen, looking to shine a light on this revelation.

"But doesn't make any sense. Anna said that her whole family died in a fire except her sister. "

"Maybe she doesn't remember it correctly? Maybe she suppressed it under stress or she simply lied? "

"I think it's time to pay our friends a visit. " I proclaimed. 

Ace and I split up, I chose Victoria, who was now Eucia and he chose Anna.

Even though I insisted on him letting interrogating them both, he still wanted to help.

He gave me her location, and I didn't have time to waste.

Sure, maybe Maryam won't change her opinion, or won't even accept the truth, but I deserved to know what exactly happened that night.

I also wondered how Maryam didn't refer to Victoria as Eucia?

Determined to get the info myself, I made sure that all robots were locked out from possibly helping Victoria who was supposed to be at a local spa.

I tucked in my daggers carefully, and there I saw her, she was in a sauna, a clear image of relaxation.

I closed the doors of the sauna, and opened up the valve, increasing the heat.

She only had a small glass window now to gaze through.

"Hello? "

Victoria called.

"Hello, can you please lower the heat..this is enough. "

As soon as she approached the doors, I showed myself, leaving her to be pale like she saw a ghost.

"Hi Victoria long time no see. Oh right...It's Eucia now, my apologies. "

Her eyes were wide in horror.

"I don't think that this is too hot for you, considering you are a being that came straight from hell. "

" did you... "

Struggling for air, her skin was glistening from sweat.

"How did you find me? "

I could just smile at that.

"I suppose you are not the only one who has friends at high places. So, here is how it's gonna go. I have three questions for you, and you will answer them. If you don't, well... "

I caressed the valve so she can see it.

"Let's start, shall we? "

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