Bonus chapter

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"Have you ever seen the sky so blue? "Said Maryam while painting from her wheelchair.

"I forgot how pretty it was. " I responded.

The gentle summer breeze was playing with our hair, and I was just sitting in the grass absorbing the Sun's rays.

"And these mountains ...they are just like the ones from that book I read when I was a kid. "

"Yeah... it's beautiful, isn't it? " I spoke.

I neared her painting and took out my wallet, pulling out her drawing.

"Well, you have definitely improved. I am impressed. "

As if I were comparing the two, which had obvious differences I held her drawing from years ago, next to the painting she just made.

Her mouth was agape in surprise.

"You... still have this? "

"Of course I do, it's yours. I will keep it for as long as life allows me to. "

Her eyes started tearing up.

"Although, I hope that you will give me a photo of yours one day. "

She hugged me so hard, and we just broke down in each other's embrace.

She never said if she had forgiven me or not, but for now, her being close and alive was the greatest present universe could possibly bestow upon me.

Ace put his hand on my shoulder, and with another taking my hand in his ,admiring the scenery before us.
I caressed his palm with my fingers and rested my head on his shoulder.

We observed her painting, containing rich greens and blues of the scenery.

The color yellow was mine- the color of faith in a better tomorrow.

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