Chapter 59

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I haven't seen Margaret for a month now.

I have spent my time investigating everything there was with universe jumping, and what rules there were. Margaret didn't respond to any of my texts, and whenever I came to her old apartment, it seemed that no one was living there anymore. The lights were turned off whenever I went to check if she was still there. Lilith never updated her new location. Needless to say, I was incredibly worried about her. I couldn't send anyone to search for her, and I spent the nights roaming the city.

I uncovered Margaret's discovery to be a secret project reserved for the elite.

Only those with money could have chosen the universe they wanted to go to next, and there was no going back. Also, it was highlighted to make sure that we are only transported to a universe where Rintalis won the war and where they were powerful.

All this time, in theory, nothing actually prevented Margaret to go after Lilith directly if she wanted. Reading through the file there is a section on a specific way how to defend Lilith if Margaret decides to come after it:"...make sure to show her daughter as bait. Prior to this, nothing electrical should be with you. Lead her to sector B.
Detain her there until squad B comes for dissection. "

A dissection?
They would have treated her as a lab rat.

"...the code has been hidden and altered as much as possible. She shouldn't even recognize her code."

But then, I saw the words that horrified me most of all.

"...Presumed remaining life expectancy: 10 years due to the traveling. "

Re-reading these words once. Twice. Three times.
I kept re-reading them in hopes that I would have gotten it wrong.

My lungs felt as if they were going to be pierced by the prison that were my ribs. With shaking hands, I crumbled the paper.


Alin died from a heart attack, and apparently, there was simply nothing that could have been done. Probably he was somewhere in some other universe now, wreaking havoc wherever he goes.

Eucia and I didn't really talk before or after his death. She got a good portion of the money, so she was set for life.

Jett and I spoke only if and when necessary, and almost exclusively about questions concerning Adamo.

I didn't really care too much about the city, and I granted them whatever citizens asked for.

I wish I could have gotten the revenge I wanted, but instead...I grew complacent. I changed nothing. With Alin now gone, and Margaret having not much to live, my retaliation seemed futile.

Even though her's and other citizens' pain haunted me at night, I couldn't do it.

What I got was absolute say in whatever and however, Lilith was supposed to be developed. Shortly after Alins death, our programmers found a way to manipulate Lilith in order to remove at least monitoring options at least, which was a breakthrough that I did nothing with. I inherited his position as a mayor in Adamo, and I learned that he used Adamo for money laundering.

It was spring now, the most beautiful season of the whole year, and standing under a cherry blossom tree, I observed the petals falling.

How would she react if she saw me? Would she be angry?

Probably she would.

After the death of Alin, Maryam disappeared as well, and I found out that she was one of the elite 5 chosen assassins that would be assigned to a person and as long as that person lives, they have a duty to guard them. After that, they get reassigned to another person.

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