Authors note

24 3 14

What a wild ride huh?
First off, I hope you have enjoyed my novel, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for seeing it until the end.

Q> Are your characters based on anyone in your life?

A>No. Regarding the creation of characters, honestly, I wanted to make them feel as human as possible. I never liked perfection and idealization of, be it a person, or a concept.  I know that Margaret was at times annoying and aggressive and Ace was at times ruthless,  however it was never an intention to depict a perfect character, as none of us are perfect.

Rather, the intention was to show how characters can grow along with each other, but romance was never the sole reason why a character decided to "do better". The concept of romance waving its magic stick and making everyone magically better, I find it far from the truth.

When it comes to the mental health struggles of my characters I would like to say- even in a dystopian world, Margarets struggles with depression, PTSD, and Ace's struggle with expectations set upon him and feelings of inadequacy are very real things that need to be discussed.

If you are struggling with a mental illness, please know that you are not alone. Professional help does work, even though most media doesn't quite depict that.

As I have mentioned in one of my comments, the "unleashing your thoughts with your posts", I drew inspiration from the moments of the ads and content appearing on social media relevant to my thoughts, and indeed, how creepy that is. The struggle for privacy today seems to be leaning toward similar things in my novel, and I hope that I never foreshadow anything lol. 

For the seven universes part, I drew inspiration from various Anime and spiritual and religious concepts. If anything can travel through those dimensions, I think mothers' love can, even though I am not a mother myself.

Thank you, dear reader, for your time and for escaping into the world that I have created.

Thank you dear reader for being alive.

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