Chapter 44

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There are several things stacked against us.

Firstly, it was clear that Jett is the figure that yields a lot of power in this community, meaning that his enemies are everyone else's enemies. Secondly, there were no visible exits, and there was no doubt in my mind that someone was stationed at the door, guarding the entrance. Vents were present but unmovable.

And third, we are sticking like a sore thumb.

However, there were several things that may or may not work in my favor.

For example, it was shown that he respected my work, at least to some degree, as he did his. In fact, he was prideful of what he accomplished, so much so that he tattooed his goddamn nickname.

But that does leave him subjected to public scrutiny. They see him as a leader and were pretty loyal, but that doesn't mean that he can't do things when no one is watching. I cannot really count on him holding onto his word, but what matters is that we managed to buy some time before he comes back and finished the work.
The best way to do this was to keep him in the public eye first, so we cannot afford we were isolated.

„Did you know?"

Ace's voice spoke to me, as I was trying to untie him.

„About what?"

„That he is an assassin?"
„I had my suspicions, but I couldn't confirm anything."

„Why didn't you tell me?"

His hands were finally free, and he got up.

„How could I possibly tell you? Firstly, it's the first time you see your brother in a while, and I couldn't just...ruin it for you, without confirming it. Besides, I wasn't sure if you were going to trust me."

He closed the space between us, putting his hands on my cheek.

„I would trust you if you said that the sky is no longer blue, but green. I would trust you if you said that you are a princess, and in fact, I would bow down and kiss your hands. Hell, if you were blamed for a murder, if you said that you didn't do it, I would trust you."

Warmth enveloped my being, and his gaze was galloping through the lines of my face.

„I think I know how we can get out of this." Ace spoke.


I knock at the door two times.

„What do you want?"

As presumed, the room was guarded, and I believe it was Sez.

„I need to have a word with Jett"

He laughed.

„And why would you want that?"

„My business with him has nothing to do with you. But oh, well, I wonder how will Jet react knowing that you prevented his fellow friend from disclosing something of great importance."

„Well that's just stupid lady, I suggest you keep quiet."

„Are you sure? Didn't you see what I can do? From the looks of it, he is keeping you safe from me. If he really meant to lock us up, and really guard us, he would put Nicolas."

„You don't know anything about him."

„No? Well, if you are so sure, why don't you go ask him? But that would just be silly, wouldn't it?

"Lady if you have something to say, tell me, and I will tell him later."

„I don't trust you, and I am certain you don't trust me as well, but oh well, I will give you a hint. It has to do with Adamo and its safety."

Doorlock clicked and Sez stood in front.

„You will get 5 minutes. He stays here."

„No, he doesn't. It concerns him too."

„You are not the one that gives the orders."

I came closer to him, shaking, but controlled it as much as I could.

„What? Are you afraid that you cannot handle two of us because you are without your buddy Nico?"

He glared at me.

„Don't worry Suzy, I have him restrained." Mocking Sez, I pointed at his arms and turned Ace, and to an inexperienced eye, it looked like completely fine bondage.

„So that leaves only me as a possible threat to you, but I suppose that you could endure me not killing you after you sound whatever device you have as an alarm until the backup arrives."

I hoped that hitting at his ego would do wonders, and it did, as I supposed that the was the weakest of them all, but he would never admit it. He was possibly the least respected, from what I saw in the streets.

„Fine, come with me."

He pushed me to walk in front of him, as well as Ace. I could see that the club was empty, and we walked into a lavishing room. Red dimmed lights and the smell of sex still lingered in the air. Jett was the complete opposite of Ace.

„Boss, they have something that they want to discuss here."
He turned around in his chair, eyeing us suspiciously. Two women at his hands, giggling, when he raised his finger and they immediately went away. 

„I can see that you still haven't finished off your target, may I know why?" 

Why was he so focused on finishing him off? And if he wanted to do it, why wouldn't he do it with his own hands? Was it too much to bear but justified it with assassins' code?

„I have more than enough time to do that Jett. But I have some info that will be of use ."

He nodded, but never took his eyes from Ace.

„The moment you turned on the device you wanted to check if I am an assassin or not, gave off our information above," I said.

He swallowed.

„Okay, and ?"

„Well, you see, there is a bounty on me too. It's only a matter of time before the hunters come here and discover your Adamo, and I suppose you wouldn't want that to happen."

He stood up sharply.


The crew came rushing towards me, and I raised the device with me, which made them stop.

„I have turned it off now, but it takes less than a second for it to turn on. I am not threatening you, rather. I want to help you."

I threw it in front of me, in front of his feet.

„This is my peace offering. Of course, it does not guarantee that this is the only device I have, but I welcome you to try me." It was, in fact, the only electronics I had remaining from above.

Jett swallowed and his lips were now forming a smirk.

„How do you intend to help me?"

When I looked at Ace, he seemed to be observing me proudly the entire time of my altercation with Jett. With the flicker of adoration in his eyes, I could only nod subtly at him, but I would grin if I could instead.

„Aren't you sick of living like a sewer rat?" Ace spoke now.

„Excuse you?"

„Answer the question, Jett. From what I hear, the population keeps expanding, and it will only be a matter of time until it reaches its peak, and I can see that the space is not exactly limitless. A bigger population means fewer resources..."

„And you intend to help me with that?"

„Yes, but I will need your cooperation as well." Demandingly Ace proclaimed.

„I am looking for someone. A hacker by the codename Cobra. You seem like a well-connected man and I am hoping that you will put those connections to good use. He is the key to overthrowing Lilith above."

Jett clenched his jaw shortly, followed by a silent but somewhat defeated look. 

„Fine. I will see to it."

„And you will not lay another hand on us! Promise!"

„I promise."

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