Chapter 39

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Juht registered us in that unknown city, and Ace transferred the last of his credits, which when I found out they were his last for some time made me feel guilty. We met up with Juht in front of what was clearly a large sewer.

„Give us back the credits right now."

Anger over his attempted scam swell over me. 

„My friend, it's what lays under matters. Before we enter, I will kindly ask that you throw away all of the electronics."

„Why? So you could sell our identities to someone else?"

„I would never!" He smiled in a sly manner.

„He can't do that Margaret." Ace spoke now. Never breaking eye contact with Juht as if to way you might reconsider your intent. And it seemed like they both knew something that I didn't. 

"He definitely cannot sell mine because if he did try that, Lilith would figure it out, and it would trace the swap right back at him. And if he tried to do that with yours, I would personally go back and make him wish he was dead."

 Juht led us deeper and deeper into tunnels, and a sense of uneasiness overtook me.

We walked for a good hour, and I couldn't believe the maze of the canal . The stench of feces and filth was overpowering, and a curious rat would make his appearance every now and then. We came to a sudden halt, when Juht pressed his hand against a larger boulder, after which the part wall started receding into the darkness, forming a pathway.

„After you."

I was reluctant to get in, but a warm hand grasped mine, and I already knew whose it was.

„I am with you." Ace spoke.

Ace knows what to do and say. I didn't regret confessing my feelings towards him, even though I fought with them for so long. I just know that if he keeps being like this, I will fall deeper for him. Somehow, he made me feel safe.

„It should be" Juht mumbled.
Only when even larger, titanium doors opened did light shined as if it were a totally different world. My jaw hit the floor with the scenery in front of me. The vastness of this place was astounding.

„Welcome to Adamo!" Juht said while spreading his arms wide as if giving a hug to this whole new city.

Robotic horses were pulling metal carriages, and women and men wore garments I have never seen before in my life

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Robotic horses were pulling metal carriages, and women and men wore garments I have never seen before in my life. Intricate designs graced their dresses, and most wore gorgeous clothing. The explosion of color shocked my eyes. As we were walking, we were both scanning the small buildings that were wrapped in vines, and the place was brimming with life.

"You see why I said it's a mirror to Rintalis. It's literally under it."

"How is it possible that there is a sky here? Or the Sun?"

Juht replied: "It's all simulated, but people here are real. Now, if we walk over here...."

"Well, well, look who decided to show up." An unknown voice spoke.

Juht froze. "Well, that's it from me. I gotta run. See ya."

Looking for the source of the voice, lead me to a strange male figure. "We will catch you Juht. Jett I was looking for you!" He was clearly speaking to Ace, but both of us were extremely confused.

This man in his 50s, sporting a dark green hoodie and black cargo pants approached Ace with an observing look. 

„Daang, my guy. You look sharp. Where did you get those?"

He pointed at Ace's shoes.

„Uhm... I think you mistook me for someone else."
He laughed out loud.

„Ah man, you are always funny. Who is that sweet piece of ass you brought with you? Is she a new member?"

„Give the man a break Sez." Female voice. She seemed in her mid-20s and was wearing a brown leather jacket, with combat boots and a green shirt. Her thick and curly hair rounded her face beautifully, and even with delicate lines of her cheeks, the way she carried herself was nothing short of military personnel. 

As she approached us, she took a good look at me, then slapped the first guy on his head.

„Ouch!" He held onto the part of the heads she slapped him at. „Goddamn it Anne, what was that for?"

„Stupidass, that is not Jett."

He looked at me then looked at her.

„Have you been taking some shrooms? He is obviously Jett."

„No, I am not."

Silence fell onto the space, and the atmosphere that went from hostile to friendly started shifting towards hostile again, but not with the same vigor. More as in caution.

„Aye Nicolas, come here."

A figure emerged from the blankets of shadows, holding a pole with pointy fiberglass at the end, and was slowly closing in. The sheer size of this man implied that he was the muscle of the group. His arms were tattooed in a sleeve, and the somewhat ripped shirt gave me a funny thought of his muscles bulking suddenly to make the shirt tear apart, even though nothing about this situation was amusing. Both men wore black boots, and this entire group had a different aura about them than the rest of the citizens.

„What is going on in here?" I whispered to Ace.

„I have no idea." He replied, bewildered just like me.

„What say you about this?" The stranger spoke.
He assessed  Ace and came creepily close, after which he started sniffing him.

„Smells.... rich. Smells.... power."
A robotic voice moved out of his mouth.

He moved into his face, and I didn't like how close he was to him.

„Get the fuck away from him. What are you? A dog?"

He growled at me and as he moved to point the sharp edge of fiberglass at my neck, with brows furrowed, Ace moved in between us, his back turned to me, acting like a living wall. I didn't want to look away so kept on glaring at him, never shifting my focus.


I pulled my own daggers out, looking like Don Quijote ready to fight the windmill. Both metaphorically and physically. 

"How about you lay off from those proteins you are taking, and you might get to keep a shirt?" Ace replied. I would have burst laughing if I could. 

„Is that the way we greet our guests? Forgive my friends, they are only doing their job."

A figure emerged, and it was as if I was looking at the mirror image of Ace, but he looked so much older than him.

He had one robotic eye, grayed hair, and a face etched with lines and wrinkles. Jett was wearing mustard-colored combat boots, navy pants, and a brown sweater. 

Once he looked at Ace, his mouth went wide open.

„Ace...Is that... really you?"

Ace mildly squinted his eyes, only for them to be wide open a moment later, after which he ran toward Ace arms wide open.

I froze in place, as I could not believe what just happened.

„Jacob..." Ace hugged him back, and my heart was pounding strongly, almost as if wanting to escape my chest. 

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