Chapter 42

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I heard Margaret yelling, probably because of withdrawals and I rushed, when all of a sudden, a figure was at my door.


„Going somewhere?"

„Yes, I need to check up on Margaret."

„She is being tended to, don't worry." He held his hands up as if to stop me.

„I wasn't aware we were held prisoners?"

„No you are not, but I would like to talk to you."

Urgency fell over me. It didn't feel right, nothing about this felt right. Did they do something to her? I hated that I hoped it was one of the withdrawals.

„Move, or I will smash your face so bad that your mother will not recognize you in the afterlife."

Fiberglass was pressed into my neck. 

„Just try to do something, and you will not recognize your pretty friend in this world."

„Smell. Anger. Smell. Fear." Nicolas was standing behind me now, almost as if growling.

I thought that Sez was the slow one in the group, but it appeared that I had underestimated him. I could figure out a way to get out of this, kicking my elbow into the stomach, or possibly stomping his feet, but I had no idea what would happen to Margaret if I did.

„We will let you go to your girlfriend once you answer a couple of questions."

„Did Jett put you up to this?"

He chuckled.

„First, sit down."

Arms like boulders moved me and pressed me firmly into the chair.

He was now pacing in front of me and pressed a finger against his chin.

„The only reason why you are not dead already is because of Jett, but that doesn't prevent us from getting some answers. Now, won't you tell me the real reason why you are here?"

He smiled in a sinister way as if I were some mouse that he needs to play with before he devours me whole.

„I already told you."
„Hah! Right, you did. Too bad I don't buy it."
Anger flooded my brain, and I had to grip the chair in order to restrain myself.

„You see.. „He took the fiberglass from Nicolas and pressed it against my forearm.

„a little birdy told me that you are a big dog above. As in, one of the key players for the Lilith software. How am I supposed to know that you are not here to give up our location to all of the bounty hunters above?"

„First of all, it's my first time even seeing this place, and I had no idea it existed."
„Right, and just by a chance, you met with Juht you were taken here to Adamo because Margaret was running away. You can see why I don't trust you, right?"

„Nico, tell me am I stupid?"

He waited first contemplating a bit.

„Nico... I will need you to be faster than that buddy."

Nicolas then grunted in disapproval.

„Right, see? Even Nicolas doesn't believe you!"

A female figure came in, and it was Anne. She came and whispered into his ear and he smiled with the biggest grin.

„Bingo. Go call Jet. He would love to hear this."

She nodded and went promptly.

Cold sweat rolled down my spine. I didn't have a good feeling about this.

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