Chapter 22

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The person pulled out of my grasp, and before I could react, Margaret was knocked out. Shortly after, smoke started filling up the room.

Four large figures moved toward the assassin.

"This was not an approved mission Black sparrow."-was all I heard before I started coughing, with tear gas enwrapping the space. There was no time to lose, as they were probably well protected by the masks. I grabbed Margaret's body and ran away, blocking their attempt to run toward us with as much ammo as I had in my gun. I finally reached my car and placed her inside it.

I pressed heavily on my gas pedal, glancing her way each meter of the road, checking if she would wake up.

Finally, after reaching my hotel, I propped her in the bed, turned the heating up, and covered her with all blankets I had, as she was now trembling. Pressing my palm against her forehead, I realized that she has a fever.

What is happening? First I was attacked, now her. I couldn't understand why would anyone target her except myself, as I had a reasonable suspicion that she was a mole. Maybe Alin wanted to get rid of her, but I dismissed that thought because of what I heard from the intruders in her apartment. I dialed my private physician to come and check on her and I was told that he would be there in ten minutes.

She started speaking in her sleep.

" walking!"

She was whispering softly, tender at the movie playing out in front of her. Not being able to help myself, I caressed the soft skin of her peaceful face. Her eyelashes flutter, almost like a butterfly's wings. Her forehead is luminous from the droplets of sweat. Observing her up close, I traced the straight and thin line of her eyebrow. A tiny beauty mark is hidden under the hairs of her right, and another on top of her chopped lips.

"First steps...I proud."

Her face contorted, making me pull my hand back. What am I doing, touching an unconscious woman? It was inexcusable no matter how innocent the intention of my gesture is.

" back! Leave ghoul!"

Her voice was louder, increasing to almost a shriek, as I grabbed her shoulders and tried to wake her up. Tears swelled in her eyes, as the pain in her voice rattled my core.

"Margaret wake up! Please, wake up!" I yelled.

Her eyes shot wide now, pinning their focus onto a single spot in the ceiling.

"Margaret, look at me."

Her stare was frozen, skin pale as if she crossed the border of life and came back.


I spoke softly, cupping her face and steadying her. She had the gaze of a frightened doe and a moment passed before her arms wrapped around me in the search of comfort. She cried bitterly, and I couldn't find any words to hopefully soothe any agony she had. Helpless, all I could do was gently caress her back.

Trembling in my embrace, I wondered about the horror she witnessed.

Time passed and the doctor finally came. I paced back and forth outside of the bedroom I placed her in, leaving him to examine her. How the hell am I supposed to care for a sick person? I have no idea what to do, as I never got sick, nor was no one left in my care.

After several minutes, the doctor finally spoke to me.

"Well, it seems that she is experiencing withdrawal symptoms from a drug. Now, what drug, I am not sure, I would have to do some blood tests."

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