Chapter 80

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What the fuck.

"Juht? "

There is no way.

"But ...Juht is just a small-time crook. " Ace said.

I forgot to fill him in on his hacker.

"No. Juht is actually an undercover agent and extremely skilled. "

Fucking hell. I was dealing with a spy this whole time. A spy that knew the city better than me. This explained how he was so capable and under the radar for a long time.

"Why would Juht do that? "

"I am not sure. But he is going to come for you Ace. " Victoria spoke.

"What does he have on you that you are not telling us? " Ace said, brushing over the fact that she just said that Juht will come for him too.

"I... " Victoria spoke breaking down.

"I ... "

She was gasping for air.

"I knew that there were some girls that were sick....I never told some people....clients...And Anna wanted to help me... "

She took a deep breath and continued.

"Important clients...were infected, and would die in a couple of days."

"What kind of a disease is that? " Ace spoke.

"I don't know. I just knew that girls weren't harmed, but if men were to catch it, they would not stop bleeding if they were injured."

"So you would send someone to wound them, and after that, they would be pretty much dead. "

I looked at Ace, then back at them.

"I remember that we did have important clients, but why? Why did you do that? "

"Angry wives, debts...whoever paid for such a service....whoever paid the most. That's about it. "

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