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"Hey, mom? Where did you put the sauce? "

Rosie called Maryam.

"It's under the sink honey. "Maryam said probably from the living room.

"Grandma, do you mind helping me with this? "

"Sure honey. "I opened up the jar for her.

A ring at the doors, and I knew that Ace was there to pick me up.

"Have fun on your date grandmother. " Rosie joked.

"Yeah yeah... " I ruffled her golden hair, and with a teasing smile, she ran to Maryam who was still holding crutches.

"Thank you for coming to watch Rosie, mom. "

"Anytime kiddo. "

Akobetar truly was the kind of city that I remember Rintalis being.

Maryam retired from her job and chose to be a freelance digital artist.

After Ace gave up SierraTech and he moved here only to ask me to come with him.

It took a bit of persuasion, but Juht agreed to help me and Maryam as well as her daughter out of Rintalis, and I had to shut Lilith off manually. Ace worked as a computer engineer at a company called RoseandCo, and it took him a bit to get used to the fact he is not a boss anymore, but still, he eventually accepted it.

He said that he likes not having the burden of making grand decisions.

I worked as a sales representative in a car company, and Ace said that it suits me as I always had a way of negotiating.

One in line of many, Ace asked me out once again on a date.

Needless to say, I spent four hours getting ready, before I came to watch Rosie .

He was looking as dashing as ever in his scotch Blue suit and opened up the car doors for me.

"Where are we going? I asked Ace.

"I have something planned. I hope you will like it. "

We drove to a nearby building, and then I had to physically restrain myself from rolling my eyes.

"We could have walked here too you know. "

"You will see, just follow me. "

Feeling like an excited teenager, I did.

We took the elevator, and Ace unlocked the doors which I thought was perhaps an apartment, but instead, it was a vast terrace, with a table in the middle and candles already lit up.

It was one of the sweetest things that I had someone do for me.

"Í know it's not as fancy as an expensive restaurant... "

"No, Ace it's perfect. "

He smiled at me, and I felt my heart swelling.

My favorite red wine was there already set up, cold plate and fruits.

"I uh... I don't know how to cook. "

"Neither do I, what a coincidence. "

He pulled out the chair for me, and carefully pushed it forward.

A gentle summer breeze was playing with my hair, soft light dancing on our faces from the candles, and the city shined as if it adorned itself with the most beautiful jewelry.

He took my hand in his, and I stroked his palm with my fingers.

"You never told me about the story of your scar on your palm."

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