Chapter 30

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I have never had any experience with addicts, and the last thing I wanted was to say something that would break her spirit. I suppose that berating a person for their addiction never helped anyone, and enabling them was even worse. Beyond that, I had no idea how to handle this situation.

"Would it be too intruding if I asked why are you taking them?"

Her hair smelled of vanilla and cinnamon, and it was the first time I truly felt aware of how velvet her skin was. When I hugged her, her skin felt rather cold, but it warmed up in my embrace. 

"How else am I supposed to survive this kind of an existence? Besides, I didn't know that I would get addicted."

How to comfort a person that I don't know all that much about. Everything that she has so far told me was heartbreaking. 

From the corner of my eye, I noticed that she had a tattoo. Pulling one of my hands, I moved it onto the nape of her neck.

"I didn't know you had a tattoo."

She stiffened against me, then promptly pulled away from me. Already missing her warmth, I was taken aback by this reaction to a simple question. 

"Yeah, I do. "

She moved her hand back to the spot where my hand was, and had an uncomfortable look on her face.

"What does it say?"

Curious, I asked. 

"I it on a whim when I was young and stupid. I don't remember what it says."

Art was banned in this country, and that included tattoos. They were incredibly hard to get to broader folk, and most wouldn't risk even getting them. Sure they can always tattoo it on a place covered by clothes, but if they were to fall sick and were in need of medic, it would be a matter of time before their credits were promptly deduced from their accounts, and it would be done so every month until they remove it. 


"It must be pretty important to you to risk it."

She shrugged, but I could tell from her nervous gaze that she was far from being at ease. 

"Yeah well, it's not. Are you gonna be a tattle-tale?"

I raised my hands in defense. 

"Nope. "

She nodded, then turned away to the doors. 

"Why didn't you tell me that you are an assassin?" I asked.

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