Chapter 26

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My intent was to be nearer the exit and the couch in a separate room would be perfect.

Midnight passed, and I turned on the TV, increasing the volume just enough to muffle my steps together with the lock of the door. My clothes were folded neatly on the sofa, and an image of him gently lowering them made its way into my mind. The vision brought an inexplainable level of tenderness, that I didn't dare or have any right to keep. 

I quickly dressed, walked towards the doors, and disappeared into the dark of the night, not caring about being soaked from the rain.

I contacted the guy for the antidepressants right away, and what was left for me was painful endurance.

But what was even more pitiful was the state that I was in. Reduced to vermin hiding in an alley near green and overfilled waste containers which seemed an appropriate place to burry my dignity in. 

I never wanted to admit it, but it seems that I am severely addicted to antidepressants. And sure, I felt bad because I left Ace like that after he just saved my life and I didn't win his stupid game. But in reality, I didn't owe him anything. Not even honor. 

Honor is for those that can afford it. 

Pacing back and forth, and faced with the truth of my addiction, I wondered what could possibly be changed if I stopped taking them, but arrived at an unsatisfactory response of nothingness. I would still have to figure out a way to earn credits, and I am as sure as hell I am not finding answers about my daughter by staying in one place.

The hotel was several blocks behind me, but I could still see the lights from the room we were in. 

"Tsk, tsk."

Hairs on my neck stood up, and I turned around in swift motion at the click of the tongue.

"You left your knives under the pillow."

I quickly tapped on my thighs, and the holsters were empty.

"I will be taking those, thank you."

I ran towards him to take them away, but he moved his hand away from me too fast, crashing my body with his from inertia. I glared at him but he only smirked.

"Are my work conditions that horrible that female employees need to carry knives with them?"

I have to get rid of him quickly, the guy is coming and he has no business being here.

"Why are you here?"

He smiled wickedly.

"I am merely making sure that my employee gets home safely."

"I thought that we were clear on not owing anything to each other anymore?"

Tense moment passed between us, broken by him with a response. 

"For what it's worth, I think you are much stronger than your addiction. And I only wanted to give you those."

"Me running away has nothing to do with my addiction, and it has everything to do with getting away from you."

Ace put his fingers on his chin as if he was thinking, wondering if the gesture meant that he was mocking me.

"You should have just told me that you found me insufferable so much, that you would rather choose death than be cooped up in an apartment with me."

It was my turn to smile.
"I am sure I told you plenty of times that I wanted to go, but a certain someone was not letting me."

He approached me, the street light enlightening his face even more.

"So you are not denying it?" His eyebrows raised in the worrying motion, only a glimmer of disappointment in his eyes.

"What's it to you? Do not worry, my letter of resignation will be on your desk tomorrow morning."

He slowly got into my personal bubble, close enough for me to push him off easily, but far enough to not touch me. He scanned my face in a worried manner, but also lingered with a gaze longer than necessary on my lips, and I repeated the motion unconsciously. Longer than necessary in his case is anything above 2 seconds.

"I will not go back to the office. It's not safe for me or you. I will not keep you against your wishes anymore."

He gave me my knives, in a way that the blade was turned to him, and I was easily able to grasp the handle.

With that, he left. 

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