Chapter 28

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It has been two days since I last saw Margaret, and since then I have spent each night in a different hotel under various false names. 

Any leads that I had on hacker Cobra had to wait, as my intel from SierraTech informed me of my father frantically searching for me. He looked into every pub, and every gym that he thought I would be in. I suppose stepping out of a routine makes it easy to deceive anyone who may be watching.

"We need to talk." A message from Margaret. 

I sent her my location, and soon enough, she was at my door. 

She wore the same clothes from two days ago, a black skirt long enough to hide the daggers she probably carried even now and an equally black long-sleeved shirt. Her hair was a bit dirtier since I saw her, and from the darkness of her eyebags, I don't think she slept at all. Margaret anxiously paced back and forth, not facing me. Whatever made her come here, also made her swallow her pride. 

"I am listening,"  I said, deciding to sit back in my chair. 


Every time she attempted to start a sentence, she stopped, only glancing my way when she tried to talk. 


Now she steadied herself, but her hands were fidgeting. 

"I don't know if you can do anything about this, but I need a favor."

I only nodded, not showing any hint of nervousness at her anxiety. 

"I came across a small group of children. They are in bad condition, and I called the police but they won't too much about it. "

By the way that she stood near the exit, Margaret clearly didn't have intentions of staying. 

"You called the police? After that assassination attempt?"

"I had no other choice, and it was the right thing to do, I think."

Perhaps I was too accusatory with my tone, so I rushed to try and ease her.

"I am not blaming or attacking you. I am just telling you that if the government is searching for you for whatever reason, you could have been arrested on the spot."

Worry furrowed on her brow, she swallowed and then continued.

"I am fully aware, but can you please try and do something about this?"

She finally looked at me, with a pleading face. 

"What do you want me to do?"

"I don't can just ask someone to make the search for their parents a priority or something. Maybe get them into an orphanage."

Orphanages were the first place I looked for when I searched for my brother, but I quickly learned it was futile, as he had a father who is alive. 

"I know that it is horrible that kids are on the street, and yes the kids are incredibly vulnerable but..."

"No, no buts. You are a powerful man with good connections. I am sure that you can pull one or two for this."

"If I did that, I would have to use my name to do so, and they would find me in a manner of seconds."

Her face reddened in silent anger, hands that were fidgeting before were now curled up in a fist. 

"Of are the most important thing. As long as your ass is not incriminated or in danger, everything is fine."

Crossing my arms in defense of her accusations, I responded.

"You don't understand Margaret, I can't just let the shit hit the fan just because you had a moral crisis. This problem that you are talking about has existed long before, and will probably continue to exist until the government changes its laws. Even if I help those kids, there will be many more that are still out there. Can't you understand?"

With spite in her gaze, she asked.

"Why did you rescue me then?"

I didn't have a good response to that, so instead, I just turned my head away from her.

"That is different."

"It's different how?" 

Margaret being Margaret, she appeared in front of me demanding answers.

"I owed you my life. I never leave my debts unpaid."

She clicked her tongue. 

"So only debt matters, and because you have some shitty moral compass? Your company did more evil than this whole city combined."

She raised her hands in defeat, her previously upright stance deflated. Something about me causing that, irked me. 

"Why don't you tell me why you are really here Margaret? As I said this issue existed long before so why act now?"

Her face slightly reddened, and as she lowered her head in shame, she uttered.

"I...I messed up okay? I may have left those kids without caretakers with my actions."

"So you are feeling guilty? Is that what this is?"

"Yes." She whispered.

With that response, I felt I could see a small crack in her walls.  

"Thank you for the honesty, but I hope you realize the hypocrisy of your accusations. And regarding children, I didn't say I won't do it. I said it would be stupid to do so."

Cautiously, she replied.

"What do you want in return?"

"You get to tell me how you manage to keep the thoughts to yourself. Nothing that I haven't asked from you before."

I regretted the way I blackmailed her with her own daughter whom she truly misses and loves. Even now, she just wanted to do good, but I couldn't help myself. My curiosity ran too deep. 

"I am also curious regarding your attitude towards me because you are so quick to think the worst of me. I am sorry that I pressured you last time with your daughter, but you know that I had a good reason. With the information that you were after me, it was the only leverage I had. Have I done something to you that I am unaware of? You must know by now that the murder of your daughter had nothing to do with me."

Raising her head, eyes cautious she stated.

"Just because you didn't participate in it, the fact that you are a part of it gives me enough reason to think that you continue to facilitate such or worse occurrences. Why do you care how I feel about you?"

I stood up now facing and towering over. Her gaze was unwavering but uncertain. I moved my palm to rest on her cheek thinking that she would back out, but she didn't. Instead, the lines of her face softened encouraging me to leave my hand lingering for a moment longer.

"That is also something I am trying to figure out myself." 

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